Chapter 26

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Ailbe was the happiest she'd been since before Ivar's departure

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Ailbe was the happiest she'd been since before Ivar's departure. Her cheery grin refused to leave her lips and she walked around the room nervously.

"Do you think he's here yet?" She asked Thora who was sat beside her.

Thora sighed, looking over at her. "Not unless he arrived since the last time you asked me, five minutes ago."

Still, Ailbe continued to pace around the hall with her hand against her lips as she fretted. "What if it's not him? What if they're not coming? What if he hates it here and I never see him ever again?!"

Thora looked to her friend, taking her by the hand so that she'd stop moving around and sitting her down. "Ailbe, calm down. It'll be fine." She sighed. "Do you want a drink?"

"No." She answered with a nervous tone still remaining. "I don't want the baby to get drunk and fall over."

For a minute, Thora looked at her utterly perplexed by the bizarre statement. Her brows furrowed at the girl who had said it in all seriousness. "I meant water-"

Ailbe gave a gasp, "Oh, yes, water sounds good."

In the end, Thora decided she wasn't even going to ask what in Odin's name Ailbe was talking about when she referred to the baby falling over. Instead she poured them both water - which Ailbe drank as though the rivers were disappearing - and as if on cue, Whitehair entered the hall.

"Queen Ailbe." He spoke gruffly, sending a glare towards Thora as he entered. "They're here."

As quickly as she sat down, Ailbe had jumped up again, quickly running outside. Her heart raced as she frantically attempted to listen for her brother.

And then she heard him.

"AILBE!" He yelled happily, bounding over to meet her. Ailbe let out a gasp of joy as she ran towards him, lifting her in her arms and hugging him tightly. After a moment, she felt the child within her begin to stir and she slowly lowered her brother down to the ground, crouching to his level.

"Brother, I am so glad that you are alright. I swear that I will help avenge our family and our people, and in the meantime I hope that you can accept Kattegat as your home as I have done." She smiled gently, kissing his cheek.

Whitehair's heavy footsteps were audible as he approached them, standing slightly behind his Queen. When the little boy saw him, he froze as though he'd seen a ghost. His face went pale, a shiver running down his spine.

"But you're living with them." He spoke with fear in his voice.

"What?" Ailbe gasped as Whitehair clutched the hilt of his sword.

"They came in boats with serpents on the front!" He began. "They came and they yelled for mother and Eavann. They got so mad when they hid that they started burning things. That's when they killed Brian. And then he went mad!" The boy pointed at Whitehair. Ailbe didn't need to see to know who he was referring to.

"What are you saying?" Ailbe spoke lowly.

"I'm saying that it was your husband!" The boy yelled. "He killed our people!"

At this, Ailbe's initial reaction was shock. Everyone in the town turned to watch, their whispering filling the Queen's ears. Little mutters of "The Mad King" and how he "betrayed" Ailbe. But she didn't believe it. She couldn't believe it. Why would Ivar betray her? He loved her, and she knew with all her heart that he would always protect her from harm.

She stood with rage, fury running through her veins. The people loved her. They trusted and respected her. And if she believed that Ivar was innocent then they should too.

"You would come to my home? You would spread lies about our King and deceive my people?" She roared with a ferocity that few had heard from the Queen before. "You are not welcome here."

"What?" Ardgal muttered from behind the boy.

"I SAID GO!" She yelled with the might of Thor. "Get out! Leave! And if I ever find that you have returned to Kattegat then my child will be the only heir our people has left, do you understand?"

"Sister, I'm trying to warn you-" He tried, tears welling in his eyes as he listened to his beloved sister's harsh words. Before the Northmen came, she was like a mother to him. She was like a mother to all of them. And now she spoke to him as if he was nobody to her.

But Ardgal could see the pain in her eyes. Everyone could see it. It agonized her to send him away, to threaten him as she had. But she knew that her brother was safe. She knew that one day he would be a beloved King.

It was not her duty to protect him anymore. It was her duty to protect her husband and her child. And so that was what she must do.

The small group of Celts slowly walked back, trying to get the child King to follow.

"Ailbe listen! I'm trying to protect you!" He yelled.

"I do not need your protection! Not from my own husband." She responded. "Now leave before Whitehair drags you out."

As the remainder of her people vanished from the town, a year slid down the Queen's cheek. A broken tear that hit the floor like glass.

She'd lost everyone now.

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