Chapter 29

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Ailbe lay alone in her room, pain keeping her from sleeping properly

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Ailbe lay alone in her room, pain keeping her from sleeping properly. In all honesty, she ached far more than she anticipated and it didn't help that she still felt like an emotional wreck even after she'd had the baby.

She felt cold - but not in the sense of true temperature loss because she had a ridiculous amount of blackest and furs coating her. She simply felt cold and alone, like some part of her was missing.

Outside, she heard a commotion but she didn't care. Aslaug was finally sleeping and all she truly wanted was to sit in the rare serenity.

"Move." A voice came from outside the room, dragging Ailbe from her peacefulness. Just as the voice came, a voice that she knew all too well, the door slammed open.

Ivar sighed in relief when he saw her. She was safe, though she looked exhausted, and a small smile was set on her lips - for a moment he wondered whether she had even noticed him come in, she'd simply sat in their bed, gently giggling at the little noises which came from behind a bundle of white linen.

"Ailbe?" He asked, making her jump her quickly hold her finger to her lips in a shushing motion, before sighing in relief when the little baby didn't move. Slowly, she smiled at him, gesturing for him to come closer.

Ivar pulled his crutch forward, walking to the bed with an impatient yearning to see the small baby that had briefly peaked out from behind its fortress of blankets. He slowly sat beside her, watching as she moved back the linen slightly to show him the little baby.

She was tiny, and the sweetest thing in all the world - and he wasn't even sure that would be possible considering that Ailbe existed. As for her, she had never looked more beautiful than right in that moment, as she held their daughter in her arms.

"I wanted you to be here." She whispered. "But she wanted to be here more."

"I'm sorry." He answered sincerely, looking up to see her. "I wish that I'd been here."

She smiled gently, holding his hand, before slowly reaching out and passing him the small bundle of pure joy that lay sleepily in her arms. The baby stirred slightly, before finally nuzzling into her father with a contented smile.

"They say her eyes are like yours." She spoke quietly, with a soft and tired voice.

Ivar's eyes were fixed on the little girl. She was the most beautiful thing that he'd ever seen, and he swore that he would protect her with his life. This delicate, bubbly, incredible little thing that lay in his arms. This was his family now; Ailbe and her. And he had to take care of them.

"Her smile is like yours." He replied, chuckling slightly as she seemed to giggle in her sleep. "And one day she'll be as beautiful as her mother." He whispered to the little girl, making Ailbe smile.

"Ivar," Ailbe spoke in a more serious tone. She wanted to ask him about her family, to find out the truth for certain. But something within her just couldn't. She tried to force it out, but her lips just couldn't form the words. She told herself, at the time, that it was because she knew it was all a lie. But perhaps it was more because she was scared of knowing the truth. "I love you."

"I love you too." He answered, kissing her gently.

Queen Of Peace - Ivar The Boneless (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now