Chapter two

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Mikes P.O.V

Something moves in the dark, my eye dart to the object straight away. It’s a Freddy costume with no endoskeleton, but it has a slight tinge of gold. I start to see things many types of faces. Cork Asia, African American and ones with no eyes. Something swings into my face with full force knocking me out cold.

I wake up.

“Fuckin dreams” I mutter to myself. These Nightmares are so short but have been an average thing at night since last week. I got a job at Freddy Faz-bear Pizzeria.....I never went back. All I can remember is these robots on either side of my two doors, than getting in my car and falling asleep.

“Mike......You need to find a new job or go back to that kindergarten thing” My Girl-Friends tells me over the phone. “A pizzeria” I answer. She hangs up. “Fuck you to!” I shout while slamming my apartment door annoyed by this event.

I dial the dinners mangers number...He picks up. “Hello,Hello?” I say “I will be returning for night shift again” “That would be great” He answers.

Time skip 12:00

I sit down in the recognisable chair, staring at the two huge magnetic doors. “Just to stop any large persons” I say in my mind.

I start to drink the energy drinks I brought for the longnight....... “arhhhhhhhhhhhh..........arhhhhhhh” “Splatter” *Liquid drips on the floor. “Who’s that?” I scream as I search though the cameras look for where this disturbance is happen. I stop at Pirate cove to see a girl who looks like she’s 18 years old, maybe one of the afterhour’s cleaners? I sprint down the halls with my torch turned off. I finally come to a stop at Pirate Cove and start to listen, too scared to interfere. “Freddy.....It’s not my fault. When you guys attacked me something must have went wrong with my programming so than I got emotions”. I stare at her massacred arm, bleeding badly.

I remember hearing those sounds before of snapping bones. I peer over the bleeding girl and see a freddy suit with blood pouring out of the facial area. The two people are still talking, but more softly as if they knew I was listening. My watch beeps meaning it was 4:00 am, the sound frightens me I fall backwards knock a broom-stick out of a metal bucket. The talking stops........Sounds of running is heard through-out “Clank, Clank”......Is coming from behind me.

Bonnies P.O.V

The human turns around and faces me, slowly looking away in disgust. “No one is allow...dee to hate m....” Sparks shoot out of my face.  I stare at the human wanting this human to be killed now.

Mike P.O.V

The animatronic starts to run towards letting out a loud screech. “A second pare of feet is joined” That new pair jumps at bonnie making a loud thud as two different metal objects collide. They both hit the ground stoping as I start to run to the security office, hoping for my life and the girl that we will be alright even though she’s not with me. There are four animatronics I think I saw only three. Who was the final one? I think back to my childhood here. Pirate cove......Foxy I remember that night 1 week ago with foxy saving me and that.......kiss.

5:00 my watch says. I still can’t find any more animatronics. . I’ve been looking for them for an hour. Some ruffle- ling sounds come from the kitchen like pans and knifes falling off the benches.

I walk in slowly seeing draws open and some even ripped from their hooks, “Look behind you”

Unknown P.O.V Mike’s first night 6:00 am

I see them close in on him, “It’s not time” I say. Mike stares towards the sound from my rusty voice not noticing I said that over the inter-com.

Mikes P.O.V

I get in my car, turning the key........My door swings open and hits me over my head with a hook.

Time skip

I wake up; I’m in my bead changed into my normal clothes, with a bowl of cereal which looks soggy. I fall back asleep.  

And that’s chapter two it may be rushed, but I will check it for spelling errors and grammar ones.

So see ya guys in chapter three.

Five Nights At Freddys Foxy x MikeWhere stories live. Discover now