Part 4 truth ot dare

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Mike:What is it this time

Foxy: Well someone(you know who you are!) wants me to kinda act like and be like chica

Mike: Thats hard man*pats foxy on her shoulder(foxy is a girl in my world

Bonnie: did I miss something?

Bevan: Hope not.....

Mike: Fuck you Bevan you may be younger but....this isn't your story!!!!!


Goldie: You talking about this one*drops the camera

Bonnie: D 4 down!!!!!! (Agent Bonnie's code name)

Chica: not this agent shit again.....*sniffs

Chica: do I smell pizza?

Foxy: Let's eats! *stuffs her face with pizza

Chica:hey thats my job *crosses arms *changes back to human form

Chica:what the hell foxy......Your wearing my clothes *naked

Chica: How did you even get my clothes

Foxy: beats me

Bonnie: You look sexy foxy....

Foxy: Well you guys did find out my secret....I wasn't a guy......Jut still you did rape me!


Goldie: Fuck*puches bonnie

Foxy: this isn't official! *slaps Goldie

Goldie: I won't mind getting you to myself....*stares at bonnie and foxy

Mike: How did you hide be a girl any way.....In the showers shouldn't we have seen your tits?(Soz guys if I am Breslin my rules for my story:( just to make this better)

Foxy: you were to busy looking at chica than me.

Bevan: I am going back to my time were mike and foxy love each other their married and Goldie stabs me with a sword.

Goldie:*covera mouth

Goldie: why would I do that?

Bevan: We get in......

Crystal: Stop spoiling the fun.....

Bevan: I die

Mike: we know your story is called 'reincarnation' for a reason.

Bonnie:* picks foxy up

Foxy: Mike help!!!!

Mike: now I know why foxy is my wife!!

Hey guys send me more dares or truths!

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