Chapter 4

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  Freddy’s P.O.V

“Okay every one the new guy will arriving soon” I say combing back my hair. we all were in our human form. Bonnie was wearing a black tee-shirt with a purple vest, purple bunny ears and black dress pants. I was wearing black sunnies with my hair slicked back with lots of gel, white collared shirt and a black vest, to add I was wearing brown dress pants. Chica was wearing a crop top saying, let’s eat and yellow skinny jeans. Foxy....... “Wheres foxy?” I ask the gang. Bonnie points to Pirate Cove, I end up wling up to Pirate Cove. I move apart the purple curtains with white stars to see a half naked Fox cover her breasts while she was sitting on her stool. “Foxy where’s your clothes?” “When I died......” She starts to cry “Did he........rape you?” She nods. I hug her. “Mikes going to bring me some clothes tonight” She says. I get up and leave slowly thinking of what I’ve done to mess with Foxys mind.

Mikes P.O.V

I heard there’s a new animatronic coming to Freddy Faz-bear pizzeria. A new Foxy. I am really happy so that Foxy can have a new friend apart from me.

Time skip 11:00

I arrive at the pizzeria.....I put the key into the door and turn hear that click and breathing. I look in to see three people who are the animatronic I assume. I turn to face Pirate Cove holding my of clothes and I start to walk. I open the curtains to see Foxy on the ground with her head leaning on a pillow in human form, and with no clothes on still. Today the pizzeria was closed she must of been cold all day. I pick up blanket I brought and put it around her neck. I nudge her neck. Nothing. I kiss her on her neck feeling her whole body come to life under my lips. She smiles at the touch of me. “Morning matieeee” Foxy says staring at the bag of clothes. She quickly stands up....Runs over to the bag opens it and starts to go though all the clothes I bought for her. I had to help put on the clothes because this all was so new to her. “Mike I love you for doing tis” She whisperers in my ear. “I have to take you to meet some people” she says as she pulls me like a little girl wanting ice-cream. She takes me to the dining hall. “Hey Mike” The people say calmly. “You guys can change to?” They nod. Freddy walks up to me, he’s tall for a 20 year old ghost. “Now Mike were sorry for err--...... Trying to kill you.....So we will make it up by protecting you” He says putting his hands through his hair. “Why?” I answer back. “Golden Freddy”. I stare at him. “I’ve meet....This Golden Freddy”. All of their eyes go grim. I point towards my busted knee. “He got a knife and slit it through my knee” I say feeling those painful moments.

Chica’s P.O.V

“I love pizza” I say to myself...... “ yes you do” I quickly turn around to see a man not a teenager with golden .....EveryThing. “I’ve been waiting for this” He remarks pushing me to the ground also covering my mouth with tape. I see the bulge in his pants showing me how big it is. He rips down my pants than my knickers. I cringe. “Freddy help!!!” I yell through the poorly strained tape.

Freddys P.O.V

“Arhhhhhrhhahhh!” Those screams echo through the hallways. I sprint down to see my brother on Chica. “Brother!!!!!!!” He turns losing his smirky laugh and runs at me. I see Foxy Run to Chicas aid.

Foxys P.O.V

I pull up her pants to see the white substance over her knickers and the floor. She crying horribly. “Foxy take me to bonnie”. I pick her up and run to the stage to see bonnie holding his guitar in a weapon piston. “Wassss-She rapp-......” “Yes” I answer.

Mikes P.O.V

I sprint down the hall holding the metal bat. I see Golden Freddy Fighting normal Freddy I split them apart and start to bash Golden into the ground. I watch in horror as he changes into animatronic form and disappears. I drop to the floor hitting my head on Freddys bleeding shoulder.

Third Person P.O.V

Chicas be helped and cleaned up by bonnie and freddy, Foxys helping Mike to become awake again, but the new animatronic is still in hi box.

Freddys P.O.V

I think about today. Trying to remember something I forgot to do. Sleep, check. New guy...... “Fuck.....We left the new guy in his box” I yell at bonnie. We sprint to the backrom. Whoooooa he’s faster than foxy and she’s fast! We open the box...... “Hello my names the Mangle” I look at it. It looks like Foxy but more of a party type of look. The Mangle sprints towards me and bonnie saying. “Fresh meat” “Fuck were still in human form”

And the fun begain

That chapter 4!!!, Next one might have a smut

Bye guys hope you like it!

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