Final chapter(reincartion is the seqeul)

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Foxy stands in front of a small music box shielding it from the view of her daughter, the baby were seven weeks after the 'event' It has been four years now. Mikes body was forced into a music box after he was forced into a puppet costume.

Foxy hugs the box as Toy Bonnie takes Foxys daughter by the hand and slowly takes her to Mikes office. "Have fun" Foxy snaps making her daughter jump. "Bye Mummy" She says. Foxy nods thinking about the past events in these four years. Mikes still alive in that box, but he can't be taken out "What's up?" Chicas says as she strides over to Foxys side and bending down to her. "We need to get Mike out" Foxy grins "Now what's up?" Chicas laughs "I have an idea to get him out"

Foxy picks up Mikes box, grunting loudly "Chica help me please" she snaps at Chica. Chica helps support foxy from underneath the box so it didn't fall to the ground "Let's take to his office" Once again she snaps at Chica "Whats going on?" Freddy frowns. Foxy and Chica proceed to carry the box to Mikes office with Freddy following them.

"Freddy get that big box of tools from underneath his desk" Freddy runs over to his desk picking up the box reading "Tools" "Thanks Freddy" Foxy says to the Freddy giving her the tools. "Chica get a hammer and size seven spanner" Foxy demands. Chica responds quickly gets the correct tools and handing them as fast as possible to Foxy.

Foxy starts to get to work slowly like a surgeon performing a dangerous surgery.....The spanner is used to take out the screws keeping the planks of wood on the side of the box, then using the hammer Foxy knocks the planks off revealing puppet that has mikes body in it. Mikes isn't the tallest 16 year old......Well he's a 20 year old now. "Fuck!!!!" A voice screams from the inner costume of the puppet. "Mike were are going to get you out of this costume" Freddy tells Mikes softly, then waiting for a answer "I am the puppet.....Just wind me up for the Best MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE"Foxy steps back at the sound of Mikes voice. "What the fuck was that" Freddy trips over the sulking Foxy. The puppet stands as Pop Goes The Wessel starts to play....Every time it reaches a verse it stands up even more It reaches the top........SHIT EXPLODES. The puppet jumps to Chica's face punching its small fist through her then confronting a Freddy halfway through changing to animatronic form kicking him back in a wall. The puppet stops when it gets to Foxy "Are you alright Bitch?" Foxy stands up "This isn't you Mike" Foxy explains "Thats write" To voices say from outside the door. "Bonnie and Mangle?" Freddy falls from his hole. "Fuckin stop Mike" Bonnie yells holding his sword in attack postion. "I am not taking your shit anymore.....You Will ALL DIE "

Foxy gets up pushing her behind ears...Her eyes scanned with guilt she looks up with anger in her eyes....Blood shot "Press that button....On the phone" Foxy orders the puppet" The puppet obeys....It starts to play the nightly phone calls Mikes got from the 'Phone guy'.

"what's this shit mean?" The puppet says oddly. "Thats our story.....The phone guy kidnapped six children eight years ago when we were 12 years old....He stuffed us in the suits killing us in one of the most brutal ways to dies....Our bones were crush and our teeth and eyes were pushed through the mask......Then when guards started appear we killed, because we all thought they killed us...Mr faz bear gave us these powers to change into humans.....But there were six the sixth was goldie"

"Mummy help me" A second voice screams from somewhere. "Crystal? Is that you" Foxy screams. Bonnie looks at Mangle and hears more screams...Toy Bonnie walks down into the mess of Freddy and Chica and Foxy. "Shit" Toy Bonnie says then running away yelling "I am not a part of this shit again". The puppet looks confused as it transferred back into Mike. Foxy didn't realise as he sat in the corner of the office crying. "Crystal are you alright?" she says lifting the mask to see Crystal in the suit. The only reason she didn't die was because she was to small Foxy grabs the Fox and human Hybrid. Then Bonnie put Mangle back together. "Wheres Mike? Or the puppet?" "Here" Mike says standing up and turning into the puppet again. "I am one of you guys now" Now holding Crystal Foxy says "Crystal say hi to daddy!" "daaaadddyyy" The four year old girl says hugging Mike tightly.

Time Skip

"Okay everyone get in your places for our first show for four years" Mike yells out. The doors open and loads of children screaming in and run to the stage. Mikes steps onto the stage and starts to talk. "My name Mr Mickeyand I wont to let you meet my best buddy Freddy FazBer..." "Hey guys my name is Freddy fazer bear...But these a difference these two of me!!!" Children scream with joy of having two of their bear animatronic.

Time skip

"Hey mangle you alright?" Bonnie ask Mangle "Yea....kinda its just that moving to a new dinner". Bonnie sits back in his seat cringing. "Tomorrow" Mangle says.

Hey guys that was the end of this story sorryL, But I am writing a new and longer story called Reincartion. It is a sequel to this one. They will come together with me Bevan being the new main charterer. BYE!!

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