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The day was finally over and I closed up the bakery. The tingly sensation between my legs was fading in and out. Calum ought to get kicked in the balls for something like that.

Not going to lie, that was the best I'd ever had. His offer was sounding better and better by the minute. If calling him Daddy got me this all the time, I would most likely seriously consider it.

The sky was slightly tinted a light blush. Sunset was my favorite time of day. I was definitely a night owl and not a morning person at all.

The drive home was the same as usual. Friday traffic at dinner time was always a nightmare. At least I had two days off before the grind started once again on Monday.

I stopped by the store on my way home to pick up a few things for the weekend. I probably wasn't going to leave my house until Monday anyways.

When I got back to my apartment, I quickly stripped out of my clothes and threw on my pajamas. Tonight was going to be a 'date night with my sofa' kind of night.

I called my brother and chatted with him for a little while. He also lived in LA, but nearer to Studio City. He was one of those people who had everything figured out. A steady and high paying job, a devoted girlfriend, and a large circle of friends were all things he could boast about.

We were close in age, only two years apart. People would occasionally mistake us for twins. He was really the first guy to ever love me. Our parents got a divorce a few months after I was born. Both my parents remarried, but I always wondered why they separated. To this day, I still had no idea. My mom doesn't like talking about it.

I turned on Netflix and randomly chose something from my watch list. As Shameless began to play, I cuddled down into the cushions and relaxed.

My mind kept wandering back to earlier. If I didn't have a hand kink, I certainly do now. I wanted to kick myself because my mind wouldn't stop replaying the scene over.

The setting sun was reflecting off my TV, so I padded over to the curtains to close them. The sky was now a much brighter shade of pink and orange. I looked out across the city before covering the window.

My stomach decided to alert me that I haven't eaten for a while. There was a package of mac 'n cheese in the fridge and I threw that in the microwave. I shuffled back to my spot on the sofa.

I wonder what Calum's doing... Stop Mollie!!!

I shook my head and tried to focus my attention back to the screen in front of me.

When I was with Calum, everything seemed to fade away. In some strange way, he made me feel safe. It was probably his dominating personality. The cologne he always wore, mixed with his casual attitude and unusual hair, was an alluring combination.

He's the first person I've ever seen to shave their hair super short and then dye what was left a wacky color. It was unique and I liked it.

I started zoning out and flashed back to his hands on and in me. My core was beginning to throb again so I rubbed my legs together.

Damn it Calum.

My phone lay next to my hand, tempting me to pick it up and dial his number. I really think I was going insane. If you'd asked me a month ago if I would do anything kinky, I would have laughed at you. But now.....

Fuck it.

I reached for my phone and the sensible part in my brain tried one last time to beg me to put it down. With a sigh, I pushed out everything except my desire, and dialed the number.


Calum's POV:

That went a lot better than I thought it would. Up to this point, I had made zero headway with Mollie. I didn't want to stop, I wanted to make her cum. But there needed to be some build up for next time... and I know there will be a next time, there always was.

Daddy's Favorite | Calum Hood (Paused for heavy revision)Where stories live. Discover now