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Mitsuki's main plan was to go and sleep next to his father,he hasn't done that for years now so it would be nice,but after thinking again,he shouldn't bother Orochimaru obviously he worked hard and the last thing he wants to do is to not let the scientist sleep knowing he will have to leave early again

Mitsuki sneaked back to his room and curled up on his bed under the blanket,instead of being a normal little kid he wants to be one of the best,he heard a lot of stories about his father when he was still in Konoha,how everyone looked up to him along with Tsunade and Jiraya, Tsunade was a great doctor,Orochimaru was a great scientist and Jiraya was the best fighter who kept peace in the city even with the war in the Mist city

"I want to be strong and smart,so father will be proud of me"Mitsuki whispered to himself before drifting off to sleep,little did he know his older brother was watching from the door he left slightly opened,Log clenched his fist and gritted his teeth,he knows this feeling,when you want to make your parent proud of you but he doesn't give you any attention, he doesn't want Mitsuki to be heart broken like him so he decided to talk about this tomorrow with the old scientist

As usual,Suigetsu was the one to wake Mitsuki up,the kid changed then went downstairs to the dinning room hoping to see Orochimaru but unfortunately he already left "hey little bro,want me to take you today to school?I want to make sure my kiddo is happy",Orochimaru's youngest son looked at his brother then smiled softly "But nii-sama, it's forbidden for you to leave the house unless it was an important reason" Log parted his lips pulling back the cigarette "And isn't making my little bro is happy an important reason?" Mitsuki couldn't be happier,his brother does look cold and mean most of time but the truth he is really kind and loving,he shows him the affection his father doesn't "Karin onee-sama these eggs are really delicious!" Mitsuki exclaimed as he was eating "Glad you like it Mitsuki-kun,your bag is by the door next to your shoes okay?Have fun!"

Team Taka are really like family to Mitsuki,Karin raised him like her son,Juugo is like an uncle to him and Suigetsu is both an older brother and an uncle,along with Log he couldn't wish for a better family...or he could,a family that includes Orochimaru...

"Hey Mitsuki!" Mitsuki blinked then looked back at Boruto smiling "What's wrong?You were spacing out" "Nothing,I was just thinking about my parent"

Boruto who had his hands on the back of his neck/head looked at Mitsuki in confusion "why?Did something bad happen?" Boruto asked worriedly and Mitsuki shook his head "No,it's just...he is always working he barely spends time with me,I know he is helping people and all but it feels lonely with him not being around most of time"

Boruto sighed and put his arm around his friend's shoulder "I know what you mean,dad is the hokage you know,he barely spends time with us,he doesn't even take the lunch mom makes him.Tch,old men are annoying don't you think? Oh right,I don't know anything about your my family there is me,my old man,mom and my little sister Himawari,also there is grandpa Hiashi and aunt Hanabi. What about you?" Mitsuki put his index on his chin thinking "There is me, mother,Log nii-sama, aunt Karin,uncle Suigetsu and uncle Juugo" now Boruto was a bit confused "What about your dad?" Mitsuki stopped and tilted his head "Mother and father...honestly I'm not sure if my parent is my father or mother but they said it doesn't matter"

Boruto gave Mitsuki a weird look,he doesn't know if it's his father or mother? Now he is curious about Mitsuki's parent."Oh at the mention of this,Log nii-san said he will take me to school but he didn't come" Mitsuki said as he looked around,Log is probably hiding somewhere watching him,this is one of his weird habits. "Your family seems a little weird...Anyway!Our first class today will be Hanabi onee-chan's class!" It would be nice to see Boruto's aunt,he didn't know she was a teacher at their school though

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