The Akatsuki

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"I can't believe you brought another kid!Is this a kindergarten or what?!"
Mitsuki slowly opened his eyes,the loud voices woke him up,especially the last noisy one. "He is awake"a feminine voice was heard before Mitsuki felt something warm and soft on his cheek "Are you okay my child?" Her voice was very soothing it made Mitsuki want to drift back to sleep but he had to know where is he and how did he get here. He looked at the woman who was now caressing his cheek probably to calm him down in case he was afraid,blue beautiful hair and honey soft eyes,once he saw her he felt relaxed and slowly sat up even though his body started aching again "where am I?"he whispered since his throat was dry, he saw a group of men and women with kids running around,where is he?!
"Don't worry you are safe,Itachi arrived in time and took you from those cruel monsters" Itachi?! His eyes widened as he looked around quickly only to be met with red ones,red scary eyes he only saw in books "T-the Sharingan?" Konan then understood that the boy somehow knew Itachi and maybe he was looking for him."This is why father wanted you...he wanted your Sharingan" of course everyone already knew it was Orochimaru's boy,his golden beautiful eyes made them realise this father's identity immediately,"How did you get the Sharingan?Please tell me!Can you use it?Ninjutsu?" Itachi sighed and went to sit on the edge of the bed "Yes I can use it...I even have the Mangekyo Sharingan,but does it really matter?It's a curse in our time,it always was,even the old Uchihas were afraid of it,and your father wanted to spread this curse,wanted its powers", Mitsuki knew his father was crazy,thirsty for power...A long sigh left his lips disappointment was showing on his face "What's wrong my child?"Konan asked softly so he answered with a shaky voice "I wanted to be useful to father at least once,I'm not the...tool he desired so I wished I could take Mr.Itachi to him,but if mother really didn't change she will use the power of the Sharingan to destroy everything and I don't want anyone to get hurt..." Saying she didn't feel sad for the boy will be a big lie,Konan didn't hesitate to pull Mitsuki into a warm embrace and hold him tight "I don't know what kind of parents is Orochimaru but there is no parent who would see his child as a tool..." Everyone keeps defending Orochimaru and saying he loves him but is this really true? Kimimaro's words kept repeating in his head,he didn't notice he was crying till he heard Konan's warm voice "Shhhhh it's okay now child" all who were there stopped what they were doing and looked at Mitsuki,looks of pity

"I knew that snake will never be a good parent!"a blonde guy with ponytail said with his arms crossed over his chest and a little girl around nine years old sitting on his lap,she looked a lot like him except her eyes were brown instead of blue, Mitsuki wiped away his tears and looked around,the Akatsuki,the people he was looking for,honestly he was shocked to see the kids and the women with them,their wives and kids,well villains also want to have families obviously "Let me introduce you to everyone, I'm Konan,this is Nagato,and this..."she pointed at her belly,just then Mitsuki noticed she was pregnant "This is Yahiko" then she turned to look at the blond guy "This is Deidara,Sayuri and their daughter Lily" (yep stupid Kishimoto killed my beloved Akatsuki 😢so I decided to give them a chance,and families too *-*) Sayuri had short curly chocolate brown hair and brown eyes,it seems like Lily got her eyes from her mother. "This is Sasori,Amaya and little Chiyo and Sakuro" Amaya had long straight black hair and sea blue eyes, Chiyo who was crawling had her mom's black hair and her dad's honey colored eyes.While Sakuro who looked around Mitsuki's age looked exactly like his father,a smaller version from Sasori. "This is Kisame and his wife Shina" the shark dude doesn't have a kid obviously, his wife Shina had long blonde hair and green eyes,how did she fall in love with a shark lookalike criminal?! Wait...his eyes widened" Why does he look like a shark?" Mitsuki asked surprised so Nagato answered his question "His blood,each one of the Akatsuki can use ninjutsu...this is how we met and how we became wanted, people fear everything new, and they destroy what they fear...this is what my father used to say before he and my mother were killed by our city's people who wanted me dead...because of my eyes" it seems like the hitting from previous days effected Mitsuki because how in earth didn't he notice the guy had purple eyes with circles in them?! "What brat?Your snake father didn't tell you?" A silver headed man said,with his arm wrapped around the waist of a woman with short purple hair and lavender eyes who was sitting next to him "Hey Hidan don't be rude to the boy!Child this is the sharp tongue idiot Hidan and Ayumi, and their kids Tsuki and Hoshi" the twins who were a bit older than Mitsuki had both silver hair and purple eyes,in other words they looked more like their father. Next to them was a scary looking man stitches covering his body "This

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