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"I want to be able to use every jutsu possible!And I will rule the world!Hahahaha!"Boruto started laughing like a super villain making everyone sweat drop

Like yesterday,the kids said their goodbyes then Mitsuki started walking back home,halfway he was faced by his older brother. Log stood beside Mitsuki and held his small face (you know what I mean,that adorable move that makes Mitsuki look so small and cute) "How was my baby brother's day huh?" Mitsuki put his hands on Log's big one on his face,his brother's hand is so warm and comforting,he loves the feeling of it on his face.The kid tilted his head putting it on the big hand before answering the question "It was great,I got to know more about my friends and...Log nii was dad in the Akatsuki?I remember him talking about it once with one of his followers"

Log sighed and ran a hand through his hair "These kids made you ask a lot of question didn't they?Huh,yes Orochimaru was in the Akatsuki but for a short while.He had some goals that wouldn't be achieved unless he was a member of that stupid gang" Mitsuki blinked curiosity getting the best of him "What goals?" Log sighed again and stopped walking "I'm not sure but I believe he wanted to 'control' one of the members but failed eventually. Itachi Uchiha,he once said that this guy had something others didn't". Itachi? Sarada's uncle?! He had something others didn't can be anything... But the first thing Mitsuki thought of was the Sharingan,is it possible someone in the Uchiha family still have if after all these years? "What's wrong kiddo?" "Nothing,I was just thinking".

Karin was waiting by the door for the brothers,once it was opened she went straight to the youngest boy."Mitsuki-kun!How was my baby's second day?Was it fun?What did you do with your friends?Oh oh or did you make new ones?" Mitsuki didn't hesitate to answer all Karin's questions,probably others would find it annoying but he loves how Karin cares a lot about him and isn't afraid to show it

After dinner Mitsuki said he will go to his room to do his homeworks, he must have been very convincing because even Log didn't suspect a thing even though it's half true. "I need a way to find that Itachi guy but how?I have to bring him to mother maybe then she will be proud of me..."Mitsuki whispered as he kept walking in circles in his bedroom "Getting into father's lab won't be easy especially with him letting Manda wonder around to make sure none enter without his permission...wait,Manda already trusts me it wouldn't be a problem!"

Sneaking into Orochimaru's lab was pretty easy since Taka and Log know very well how much the scientist hates having others enter his laboratory without him knowing. A big purple snake that was on the ground looked straight at Mitsuki when he slowly closed the door behind him."Hey it's okay Manda it's just me.I need to find something and I will leave quickly okay?" Manda is like the family's pet,Orochimaru trained it by himself,only him and his sons can approach it without fearing for their safety,even team Taka may get attacked by it.

Mitsuki took a chair then stood on it to reach his father's books, which he started checking book after book,file after file looking for anything that can lead him to Itachi Uchiha. A long sigh left his lips as he was lying on the ground "This is useless,I can't find anything!" Just as he turned his head he noticed a small hole on the floor making his quickly sit up "huh?Manda!Can you please open this for me?" He needed something tall and thin to slip it into the hole,Manda must be always here for a reason.The snake did as it was told,it was a small door that leads into a basement "I can't believe I didn't know this existed even in our old home!"

Mitsuki didn't waste a minute to go into the basement,saying he was horrified wouldn't be enough to describe the boy's feelings when he saw his parent's secret second lab,there was huge tubes everywhere,filled with god knows what, and the weird stuff on the table,he would swear it's human's meat,oh god what in earth is his dad doing?! Not able to keep looking at these creepy disgusting stuff,Mitsuki started looking through the papers which were scattered everywhere, suddenly he found something..."Kabuto?Who is that?...The Akatsuki!...huh?Wait...they are in Konoha?!" It seems like even if Orochimaru is no longer with the Akatsuki he kept following and watching them,but why?Why would be want anything to do with criminals if he wanted to be a better person?

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