A Failure

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Luckily the twins were playing outside,so when they saw the police nearing their hideout they warned everyone
"Mitsuki,it's time for you to return home" Itachi said "They are here for you,it seems like your father finally found out you are with us" Mitsuki's golden eyes became the reflection of sadness, he does miss his friends and family but he doesn't want to leave the Akatsuki,he grew attached to them even the whiny Hidan and he can tell they don't want him to leave too
"Mitsu-kun!I will miss you!" Lily said with teary eyes as she hugged the boy with light blue ,even Sakuro hugged his arm quietly not wanting to lose his friend,not wanting to lose a family member."Aish, kids I grew attached to him too and I wish we don't leave him

but this is unfair for his family and friends" Kisame said to the kids as he tried to pull them away from Mitsuki "I promise you we will see him again okay?Let's find another hideout and settle then we can visit him"Amaya who was carrying Chiyo said so now all the kids followed their parents leaving Itachi and Mitsuki alone there
"You won't leave?"Mitsuki asked curiously so Itachi shook his head"What kind of sensei am I if I left my student alone and ran away?"

Itachi wasn't considered as a criminal ever since Naruto became the hokage so he wasn't in trouble,except the fact he kidnapped Mitsuki which the said kid keeps denying saying he stayed in his own will
The kids were all crying,hugging their friend,Boruto kept saying something got into his eye because of the waterfalls from his eyes
"I guess it's time to go home kid.Your father was extremely worried about you" Sai said to Mitsuki just before he suggested to take him home.Naruto decided to let Itachi stay with his brother and his family for now till he discuss the situation with the other kages and see what they must do,he knows very well Itachi isn't a bad person and wouldn't hurt his brother and his small family

Mitsuki stayed quiet as Karin kept hugging him,squeezing his face and telling him how scared she was and worried about him "Mitsuki-kun!How are you feeling?Are you hurt?" Mitsuki shook his head then smiled to calm her down "I'm okay Karin onee-chan, Konan-san took care of me,even Ayumi-san and the others.They are good people...I'll miss them" Karin sighed in relief then hugged him again,tightly "Just stay like that for a moment please...I missed you so much I thought I lost you..." Mitsuki hugged Karin back and closed his eyes feeling at peace "I missed you too"
Karin pulled back when she heard footsteps,Orochimaru finally came downstairs and was surprised to see his son there,when did he come back?They didn't inform him?!
Mitsuki,being daddy's boy,everyone expected he will run to Orochimaru and hug him,they didn't expect him to scoff and walk to Log instead "Nii-sama did you miss me?" Log knew better he should ask his brother to stop acting and tell him what happened but he couldn't bring himself to do that,he just missed his brother too much he just hugged him letting his emotions show which is something he doesn't usually let happen

"Can I come in?"Mitsuki rolled his eyes when his father knocked on the door and asked for a permission to walk in,since he didn't get an answer Orochimaru walked in and closed the door behind him.
"Are you okay?" Mitsuki shrugged without looking at his father "Some crazy people kidnapped me and tortured me hoping somehow they will effect my father not knowing he is a heartless monster even though they used to work for him.Oh then a miracle called Uchiha Itachi saved me and took me to stay with him and his friends who treated me like how my co called parent never did,like a son and brother.Yeah I'm okay" just then Orochimaru knew what was wrong "Mitsuki,what did they tell you?" Mitsuki never treated him like this before even after he knew about his crimes (yes Karin told him) so the people he was with must have said something to him,the 13 years old boy stood up and turned to look at the scientist before speaking up "I'm sorry I'm not the tool you wanted,I'm sorry I can't fight like Log,sorry I couldn't spy on my friends,sorry I never made you proud,I am sorry I'm just a failure...all what I have is a Ninjutsu that I don't know how to use"
Orochimaru didn't know the kid kept all this in his heart,bottled up these feelings and smiled daily,he must have noticed earlier...

Orochimaru approached the kid,took his left hand and put his other hand on his cheek before pressing his forehead on the kid's head "You aren't,I'm the one who failed as a father...I have always been proud of you,ever since you opened your small eyes for the first time,I wanted to be a feather you will be proud of,this is why I started working for the hokage but it seems things didn't go the way I wanted...I'm sorry for not being there for you child,also,try not to use your Ninjutsu too much you may hurt yourself,never use it unless it's necessary okay?" By now Mitsuki had his eyes wide opened with tears running down his cheeks...

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