Chapter 4-Secrets! and Panic!

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(This chapter might have a lot of dialogue)

"Well m'lady whatever I tell you, you MUST keep it a secret, nobody and I mean NOBODY can know."
"Why is that?"
"This matter is just some no one can figure out."
"Okay, I understand."
"Okay you can ask away, now that I know you wont say anything."
"Okay, now what are you really?"
There was a short period of silence between the two before Dark decided to stand up, and magic appeared in his hands as he swiped up showing wolf ears and demon horns, then swept downwards showing a tail.
"What are you?"
"I am the alpha of your species, but mixed with a demon and a virus."
"Shh, m'lady keep it down!"
"Oh right sorry."
"If you dont believe, that's how I knew you weren't human, and I know you are the Omega in the pack."
"Holy shit, you are!"
She got up to kneel but was stopped by Dark.
"There is no need for that."
"Right sorry."
"Are there any other questions?"
"Yes actually, I have several."
"Okay let's continue this."
"Why did I have a feeling to look for you?"
"Well you see during that time I probably was in this form."
"Why do you hide this?"
"Well...I dont want people to get that worried about me, or get scared of me."
"I have two more questions. What does your alpha mark look like?"
"Hmm.. it has two pentagons and a moon."
"Cool! Okay last one, do you ever lose control?"
".....Yes...Yes I do."
"Oh sorry for asking this, but how bad is it when you lose control?"
"Eh..its pretty bad."
"Cool! That's all of my questions!"
Dark started to make his ears, horns, and tail disappear.
"Well I'm gonna go patrol, wanna come?"
They started heading down the stairs, running through half of them.
"Yo! Shadow I'm gonna go patrol, I'm bringing Aiden with."
"I will!"
They both left the house. Darkri was thinking what he should do in surprise for Aiden if he has time later. He knew he was growing feelings for Aiden, not because he knew she was the only one left, but that he loved her for being caring and herself around him.
"So what do you usually do?"
"Well I patrol, I am usually alone, but I enjoy this alot, thanks for coming along!"
"No problem friend!"

After patrolling they were back in Snowdin. Dark walked behind Aiden, grabbed a snowball and threw it at her. She slowly turned around and said," What was that for?"
Dark shrugged," I dont know?"
She bent down grabbed one, and chucked it at him.
Oh! It's on!"
They had the best snowball fight of their lives, and could be their last.

They had the snowball fight for about 5 minutes until, they decided that it was time to go inside.
"That was the best time of my life I ever had!"
"Same here!"
"We need to do something like this again, sometime."
"Yea we should! Well I am going to my room to rest, I will be out in about 10 minutes, I think."
"Okay see you then."
Dark headed up the stairs, walking towards his room. He opened his door and started heading inside.
"Ugh..this is tiring."
Dark slipped into his mind.
"Hey Darkri is Luna and Ally available?"
"Yes they are, just call out for them."
"What do you need?" Ally asked.
"Yeah what do you need?" Luna asked.
"Well the thing is, I like this girl and I wanna ask her out, but I dont know what to do."
"Oh, who is the lucky lady?"
" I bet its Aiden, the girl who he was hanging out with."
"Yea it is." Dark said flustered.
"Well at this moment, me and Ally can't come up with anything, come back tomorrow morning 6 O'clock sharp."
"Okay, see you then."

Dark came back to reality.
"Welp, I guess its time to-"
Dark was interrupted by a sharp pain, he thought it was just his scars, but then everything around him turned black. He didn't know what was going on, but felt like as his body was moving on his own.

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