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finally after a long day, she was home. she mindlessly kicked her shoes off and left them beside the front door, at the same time slipping her jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack before she tiredly walked up the stairs to head into her bedroom. she sighed as she set her things down on her side of the room, plugging her phone in before throwing herself onto the bed.

she threw her left arm over her face as she finally let go of the tears she had been holding in all day.

at first they were only droplets, like the sprinkles before the real rainstorm began, and tears began flooding down her cheeks like a waterfall. she couldn't stop herself, for the tears just kept flowing.

all she wanted was to forget about the horrible day she had at school, all she wanted was her boyfriend to wrap his strong and protective arms around her and soothe her until she was okay again.

she didn't know when he would be back, but she was hoping it was soon.

a few hours had passed, three to be exact, and finally, after three hours of her doing nothing but letting out her exhaustion in the form of tears, she could hear the front door open and the sound of his footsteps echoing throughout the house.

her heart began racing in anticipation as the few seconds it took for him to make it up the stairs felt like hours until he finally stood there in the doorway, looking over at her figure draped over the bed.

"honey, are you alright?" his deep yet soft and gentle voice questioned her. all she could do was whimper and writhe around in response. he smiled softly at her and let out a little hum in pity. "bad day?"

she nodded her head as he made his way over to his side of the bed, dropping his things before sliding into bed. he didn't have to slide far as she met him past halfway, making her way into his chest as she buried her face deep in the crook of his neck. it was then when he could feel the wetness of her cheeks on his neck, and he had realized she had been crying.

"honey, why were you crying?" he asked softly in her ear, his fingers working their magic on her scalp. she closed her eyes and let out another soft whimper.

"school was just stressful today," she admitted. "i just want to be in your arms."

he smiled at that and hugged her tighter, wrapping his legs around hers.

"you know what'll make you feel better?"


"a nice warm bath," he replied, kissing the top of her head. "i'll set it up for you love."

he moved to get out of bed, only to be stopped by her arms.

"don't leave," she whined, burying her face into his shoulder. he chuckled at her, ruffling her hair.

"it'll only be for a minute love, i promise," he responded before standing up and walking towards the bathroom. she could hear the bath water beginning to thump against the floor of the bathtub, and after a couple of minutes, her boyfriend reappeared, smiling softly at her as he made his way over to her place on the bed. "come on, let's get you cleaned up."

she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up bridal style before bringing her over to the bathroom where he put her down just in front of the tub.

"arms up," he instructed as she did as she was told. he proceeded to pull the shirt she had been wearing up and over her head, tossing it to the side before unclipping her bra and letting it meet the same fate as her shirt. he smiled at her as she pinned her hair up, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek before bending down and beginning to pull down the sweatpants she was sporting, bringing her panties down with them.

and like that, she was fully exposed in front of him, yet neither of them had any dirty intentions in their mind. right now, all they were thinking about was each other, and how in love they were.

jaebeom soon stripped himself of his clothes before grabbing her hand and guiding her into the tub, where he sat down before slowly easing her down in front of him where she fell limp in his arms, leaning her back against his chest.

they sat in silence, nothing but their breaths were heard and the sound of both their hearts beating.

"you were right," she spoke up. "this does make me feel a bit better."

he smiled and chuckled, rubbing her arm and giving her a loving kiss on the cheek.

"i knew it would."

she turned her head so that her face was buried in the side of his neck, causing another warm smile to paint his plump lips.

"thank you," she murmured, smiling against his neck. "i love you."

"oh god, i love you too. so much more than you could ever imagine," he replied, love laced throughout his voice. "you make me so happy honey."

she smiled as she closed her eyes, remembering to place a soft kiss on his neck before she let her exhaustion take over, and she soon fell asleep in the arms of the man she loved the most.

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