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betrayed. that's exactly what she felt. she remembered a time when she and yugyeom were in love, when they promised each other that no matter what, they would always love each other. that no matter what, they'd never hurt one another.

it was funny how yugyeom said all those things years ago yet still broke his promise within a few months. it's not that he didn't love her but, he felt bored. he wanted more than what she could give him; he was greedy.

at first, he really did feel guilty. he felt bad for doing this behind her back, he really did. but over time, the guilt slowly began to drift away as he became even more infatuated with this new replacement. he eventually didn't think about the fact that y/n was probably sitting alone on the couch, worried sick about him. he eventually grew to not even care.

although, he'd admit he did feel a bit guilty when he get caught. he didn't expect it really, it just happened.

she came home early that day, the rain had caused her event to be cancelled.

she sighed as she set her things down on the couch, slipping her shoes off and throwing them back towards the door. she didn't think anything was out of the ordinary, that is until she heard noises coming from upstairs.

she wasted no time in running up the stairs as the noises became more clear. she opened the door to her's and yugyeom's shared room to see him in bed with another woman. they both were getting off in the bed she slept in every night.

she was in shock, in fact she just stood there and watched. she didn't know what to do or say.

neither of them even realized y/n was in the room at first, just continued to do what they had been doing all day long.

"i love you," yugyeom muttered in the girl's ear as he continued to thrust his hips into her. she smiled as she opened her eyes, only to catch a glimpse of the woman standing in the doorway. she let out a small scream, causing yugyeom to turn around to see the girl he once loved standing there, tears streaming down her face. "y/n?"

y/n stood there, watching as the two of them scrambled to dress themselves back up, the knives in her heart cutting deeper and deeper.

he told her he loved her, right in front of her.

"y/n, please," yugyeom reached out for her, the guilt quickly building up as he recognized the hurt and betrayal in her eyes.

"you told me you didn't have a girlfriend," the other woman spat at him as she gathered her things, slipping her shoes on.

"wait i-"

"save it yugyeom. i can't believe you right now," the woman scoffed as she interrupted him. "we're through."

y/n watched as the other woman walked past her, making sure to send her a sympathetic look before making her way downstairs and out the door.

"y/n i-"

"how could you?" she finally spoke, her voice strained and forced. her throat hurt just from speaking those three words.

yugyeom didn't know what to say, instead he just looked down at his hands.

"how long?" she asked, crossing her arms and squeezing her elbows.


"i said how long?" she raised her voice this time, trying her hardest to speak over him without breaking down. silent tears were already slipping down her cheeks, she couldn't afford to break and risk staying.

"five months," he replied in a quiet mutter, yet she heard it. the knives in her heart finally cut all the way through, leaving her heart to shatter into a million little pieces. "i'm so sorry."

"no," she shook her head. "you're not sorry. you're only sorry because you got caught."

he looked into her eyes once more to see the same thing he did before, only one new feeling was added into the mix.


he knew she hated him now, and now there was no turning back. he lost both women that day. he knew there was nothing he could do or say to make either of them stay.

so instead he watched as y/n gathered her things from the closet and throughout the house, making sure to knock over the picture frames of them two together as she did so.

she was outraged, hurt, betrayed, and she had every right to do so.

she left that house that day with a heavy heart, and that was the day she locked her heart away.

her friends tried to get her to meet new people, maybe find someone. but she knew she couldn't, not now at least. no matter how cliche or annoying heartbreak can be, it still hurts. heartbreak hurts, no matter who you are. it's not as easy as it sounds to move on from someone you once loved so dearly.

and so now y/n sits alone on the couch once more, wondering what her next step will be. it's been awhile since she and yugyeom broke up, but she still didn't know if she was over him yet. she wasn't ready to look for someone new, and it scared her that she didn't know how much longer it'd be until she was ready to try again.

so for now, her heart stays locked away with the key hidden somewhere only time will eventually tell.

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