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jinyoung's heart broke the second he opened his door to see y/n standing on his front porch, tears rapidly sliding down her face.

"oh god y/n," he sighed as he pulled her into his embrace, letting her use his chest to cry into. she clutched onto his shirt as he backed the two into his living room, shutting the front door in the process. he set her down on the couch as she desperately tried to wipe her tears away, only for it all to go to no good use. "what happened to you?"

"he stood me up again," she cried, leaning into jinyoung's chest as he sat down next to her. he placed his hands on her back, soothing down the fabric of her shirt to hopefully calm her down even the slightest bit. "why? why does he do that?"

jinyoung fists clenched as he thought of the douchebag she called her boyfriend. he knew before they even started dating that he wasn't a good guy, and despite trying to convince y/n that he wasn't right for her multiple times, she still dismissed the idea that he could hurt her. she insisted that he loved her dearly, since that was what he told her, but unfortunately, it was all a lie.

he knew her boyfriend only told lies, he knew her boyfriend would sneak away during dates to meet up with other women, he knew why her boyfriend stood her up so much yet she herself was too oblivious.

"he was never right for you," he spoke through gritted teeth. "god, why cant you just see that?"

she pulled away and looked into his eyes through her tear filled ones, sniffling as she wiped her nose.

"what do you mean?" she questioned, rubbing her eyes. his rolled his eyes, grabbing her hands and pulling her closer.

"i mean, how could you have been so oblivious?" he shook his head. "you don't know that he's cheating on you behind your back? that he's only using you? you don't know that?"

she scoffed and shook her head, turning away from him.

"you've been saying that ever since we started dating," she spat. "what is your-"

"no, what is your deal?" he interrupted her, grabbing her hands once again. "you can't even see how bad he's treating you."

"no, i know he hasn't been-"

"no, you don't know," he interrupted. "if you had known, you would've left a long time ago."

she sat there dumbfounded as she watched him turn around, his face red with anger with his arms crossed across his chest.

"why can't you just see?" he asked. "he's so bad for you yet you refuse to see it. why?"

she tilted her head as he turned back towards her, walking back over to her spot on the couch. he knelt down so that they were both eye level and grabbed her hands, rubbing the tops of her hands with his thumb.

"i just wish you'd realize that there have been better options for you right in front of your eyes this whole time," he muttered, feeling tears well up in his eyes as he tried his hardest to keep them from falling. "y/n, i've been here this whole time yet you always chose the guys who don't genuinely care for you like i do."

she was a little taken aback by his confession. sure, she found jinyoung attractive but they had been friends for years, had she ever thought of him in a different way?

"jinyoung i-"

"stop," he cut her off. "it's fine. you don't feel the same. but i don't want you to keep hurting yourself over these stupid guys."

"no, jinyoung i-" she trailed off, looking down to their interlocked hands. "i don't know. i'm sorry."

his heart pounded and he brought her hands up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on each of them.

"it's okay y/n," he muttered. "i just don't want you to continue hurting yourself over these guys who couldn't give two shits about you. i hate seeing you like this more than anything so just please, please don't hurt yourself like this anymore."

the pain in his eyes were evident, and it didn't go unnoticed to her. she put a hand on the side of his face and pressed a kiss against his cheek.

"i won't, i promise," she mumbled. "thank you."

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