Chapter 4:

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Just a little warning: There is some swearing towards the end

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"Cheers" we all raised our glasses and met in the middle. Seokjin and I were both sitting at opposite ends of the dinner table. The rest of our family and close friends sat in between us. 

"I got to say, I just love the feng shui of your apartment!" My mom touched my arm as she leaned in. A smile was plastered on her face. 

"Yeah, I just love the energy of the place." my brother added in. Seokjin-who was currently eating- raised his head to speak. 

"You know, the energy of this place would be even more amazing if we had a hockey table." My eyes lifted from the meat I was cutting to look at Seokjin. They made their way around the dinner table before finally adjusting to him. 

"Seokjin, we've talked about this already. We'll get a hockey table when we get a bigger place." he made an odd face. 

"Well, our place is already plenty big if you wanted a hockey table-"

"Seokjin," I interrupted trying to tell him not to start this argument at this time. 

"I mean yeah. What you could do is just take the dining table and push it right on into the living room." My brother and his wife looked up at each other as everyone awkwardly ate their food. 

"Really? A dining table in the living room?" I chuckled before picking at my meat. "I mean what-where-what would you even do with he dining table in the-"

"Eat off of it-"

"We would have no furniture in the living roo-where would the furniture go?" I had started pointing at the room beside us that held the couch Seokjin just loved to sit his butt, on most of the day. We both knew he wouldn't survive without it. 

"All I'm saying is it would be nice to play some table hockey,"

"But honey, this isn't a dorm." he nodded his head while simultaneously shaking it. 

"Totally, I completely understand... we will wait and get a hockey table when we get a bigger place." I sighed and looked at him directly in the eye. 

"Thank you," I didn't know exactly why I was thanking him. But apparently I was thankful because of the fact that he actually came to his senses for once. 

Everyone shifted from looking around awkwardly to staring at their food like it was the most interesting thing they have ever seen. Food, wow. My brother looked up at me before speaking. 

"This food is just delicious," he said breaking the silence. 

"Oh yes, marvelous" everyone just kept on piling compliments over compliments hoping they would bury the awkwardness we had created. 

"Okay, time for the joke of the day!" my step-dad clapped his hands having the forks scraping against the plates come to a halt. My biological father walked out on us when I was pretty young but a few years later my mom found my stepdad. Ever since then he has been cracking lame dad jokes during every chance he could get. 

"Oh no," I say continuing to cut my tender steak. 

"oh yes," my brother adds excitedly. 

"Knock, knock"

"Who's there?" 


"Normally who?" god how was my step-dad and brother both so cheerful?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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