Chapter 4

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     I woke up the next morning to my alarm's annoying sound. I groaned and rubbed my eyes not wanting to get up. It's the first day of school and I really don't want to get up but I know I have to. I sat up in my bed and looked around my room, something I do every morning.

I got up and went in my bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. I went back in my room and got dressed in a pair of black jeans, my white converse and grey Rolling Stones shirt. I went downstairs to have breakfast and greet my mom and sister only to find that my mom already went to work and Gemma still asleep. However I found that mom left me some money on the counter and a stack of pancakes with orange juice. I ate quickly then headed over to Alex's house, so we could walk together.

I knocked on her door once then waited patiently for her to answer. A minute later the door opened to reveal Mrs. Stewart in her work clothes with a coffee in hand.

"Hi Mrs. Stewart" I said giving her a hug.
"Hello darling, how are you, and please Harry I've told you to call me Sandra many times" she said laughing.

she was a very formal lady, part of eh I felt awkward calling her by her original name. She would always be working and didn't spend much time at home. After Alex's dad died when she was young her mom would work very hard.

"I'm great thank you, and you"

"Same here darling, I'll call Alex for you" she said nicely. Sandra was a very pretty lady, just like Alex but she was very very serious and hard to get along with. My mother would always tell me about how when she first met Sandra barley even talked to her or smiled at her, but she warmed up to my mother after a while.

"Alex honey, Harry is here, hurry up"
"Coming mother"
Alex soon joined me down stairs, as we both said goodbye to her mother and headed to school.

I reached school and caught sight of my group of friends waving me over, we had 10 minutes to our first lesson, but my English class was on the first floor so I had nothing to worry about. I said bye to Alex and told her I'll see her at lunch while she headed toward her group of friends. However we never sat together, being that my friends always said that they didn't like her, because one time she came and sat with us, but she was very rude to them, I never understood why to this day. Apparently to them she's very fake.
Right now I was thankful it was lunch so I can leave these horrible classrooms that I've been in since the start of the day. Walking to the cafeteria, my stomach was growling from hunger I had one more lesson till the end of the day. I walked to our table sitting down and waiting for everyone else, as most of my friends have PE before lunch so they take a long time to change.

I get up to get my food anyways because I can't wait for them any longer. Walking to the line, I spot Alexis standing further up the line, she spots me too after a second and waves me over with a big smile on her face.

I cut through the line, apologizing to people, yet No one really said anything though as I was quite popular and most people liked me.

Nevertheless a while back I used to always get bullied, until I became friends with Louis (one of my friends now) and made me join their group, then I became quite popular and the bullying stopped. "Hey Alex" I say as I reach where she's standing; "Hey harryboo".

We continued to make conversation, until we finally got our food and separated ways, agreeing to meet after school in the parking lot to walk home together.

"Hey mate" Zayn greets when I sit down.

Scolding all of them playfully, as they left me alone for a long time

"sorry haz, you know we have PE and Liam's class is all the way at the other end of campus"

"Fine your forgiven this time" I say while chuckling lightly and digging in my food.

"So apperantly, she was almost gonna kill the nurse, and now the nurse has a few scratches  and bruises, and her head was bleeding too". I hear a group of people chatting from the table beside us. Clearly Niall heard too, as he started explaining what his dad was talking about today morning.
"It's this girl at the institution nearby the church harry goes to, you know, that forest that they always say to never go in to" Niall clarifies.
once I hear those word I immediately put down my food and pay more attention to what he's saying" I think it's called Denver something I don't remember.

So she attacked this nurse while the nurse was trying to give her medicine and the nurse almost died, they say that she's one of their most dangerous patients, since she's like quite young, she's been there since she was thirteen years old apperantly, and now the girl is in isolation for the next week".

After I heard what he said, I was horrified, I was almost 100 percent sure it was the girl I saw yesterday. Yet I still wanted to go there and find more about her, I wanted to know her story and wether or not she deserved to be in such a place.

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