Vacation- 2

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Liked by prongs.potter,pete_grew and 96 others

siriuslyhot: You don't have to do this prongsy! Life is still meaningful! Farewell, dear hated one...

tagged: prongs.potter

prongs.potter: You are wrong Sirius, life is meaningless! I don't wanna live anymore!

lupin.lupout: Done Drama Queens?

frankly_long: 😂

Lil'Lily: @ Prongs.potter  For the first time you are doing me a favour.

dorky_ass: By dying?

Lil'Lily: By dying.

prongs.potter: Your welcome?

Lil'Lily: Honestly speaking that's really dangerous. You can die, potter!

siriuslyhot: you know u r the only one who uses proper punctuation in comments...

prongs.potter: @siriuslyhot Ikr its just her and Moony. Why u care Evans?!@Lil'Lily

Lil'Lily: Is being annoying your full-time job or just for me?!

halfbloodprince: Stay away from her, Potter.

prongs.potter: what's your problem?

halfbloodprince: Oh idk YOU. U r nothing but an egotistical idiot. Lily would never want to be  close to you   

Lil'Lily: STOP.@prongs.potter don't annoy me. And you @halfbloodprince I dpnt need you try protecting me.Whats the point if u are the only one who actually hurts me.Potter is better than u in every single way!

halfbloodprince: Lily...

Siriuslyhot blocked halfbloodbrince

Lil'Lily: Thanks.

Siriuslyhot: Even though I was rooting for some drama, no problem.

pete_grew: This just turned dark.

liked by dorky_ass,Lil'Lily and 46 others

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liked by dorky_ass,Lil'Lily and 46 others

Lupin.lupout:  I am tired.Don't ask why.

tagged: -

Lil'Lily: Why?

Siriuslyhot: i aM TirEd. You are with me rn ready to maraud.

lupin.lupout: 🙃

pete_grew: LIAR!

dorky.ass: I think he is tired of the DRAMA.

Lupin.Lupout: That's totally what I was talking about.

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