Death Eaters

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 A scream echos through the Field.


We both run towards were the sound, my mind kept repeating the same words like mantra.


Another scream rings out. "There" says Sirius. I look where he is pointing, Few death eaters were crowding over a lump of something. No not something, someone..... LILY!

I see Sirius take out his wand I copy his move. 


I am about to shoot a curse but lily rises, wand in hand and screams repulso. I fly backward and land on my back pain shooting all over my body. That's when I see all the death eaters on the ground unconscious.It didn't affect us because we were farther away but how did she manage to have so much power even after she was tortured and was at the edge of dying.

I ran towards Lily but Sirius was going towards them and petrified all of them. I drop to my knees and hug her. "Are you okay?" but she doesn't respond. Panic envelopes me.

"Is she?" I hear Sirius say. "No... NO!" I scream.

Lucky for us, Lily starts to cough. Merlin!

I pick her up bridal style and start walking. After this, I am never ever leaving her alone again.

I see Remus running as fast as probably I ever could.



Okay: So, I didn't know how to convert it into an insta post so I just wrote it down, it might happen more often further into the story.

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