Chapter Eleven: Such A Beautiful Night

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Chapter Eleven: Such a Beautiful Night

Lisbon leans back into the bathtub and clutches onto the sides. Sighing, she sinks in further and brings her hands up to caress her swollen belly. Within her, the baby shifts and kicks her hands, and she cannot fight back a smile. She slips her eyes shut and hums. She feels so calm and at peace, and she welcomes the feeling whole-heartedly. For the past two weeks, she feels safe and at peace for first time during her pregnancy. Now that Jane is out of jail, she is for the most part worry-free. Her only worries are about her unborn child, and are only minimal in contrast to what they were these past nine months.

"Teresa?" she cracks open one eye at the sound of her lover's voice, "You've been in there for over an hour, are you all right?" He sounds concerned. Ever since he came into her home, he has been following her around to insure her comfort and safety. She loves it…and at the same time she hates it. She is not used to being given this much attention, but she knows that she will eventually get used to it.

She straightens up, "I'm fine, Patrick."

He is silent for only a few moments, which she finds quite humourous, before he speaks again, "May I come in?"

It shocks her that he is asking for permission to enter the bathroom. Normally he does not ask for permission for these types of things; usually he just picks the lock on the door and waltzes right in with a big smile on his face.

"Yes," she calls back and looks down at her belly.

He pushes open the door, his hand still hovering over the brass knob. Jane peaks in, his eyes immediately landing on her and his worried gaze softens. His fingers move away from the knob and he steps into the room and moves up towards her. Stopping before her, he kneels down on the floor and peaks over at her, a small smile appearing on his features.


"I missed you."

Slight annoyance builds up, but she pushes it back down. Taking a deep breath, she looks over at him, "Patrick, I've only been up here for a little over an hour."

He nods his head back and forth, "No, you've been up here for an hour and forty-three minutes. That's way over 'a little'" he tsks, trying to sound serious, but failing miserably.

Rolling her eyes, she reaches over and slaps one of his hands promptly. He pulls it back and mocks hurt, but moves back closer to her. "I just worry about you, that's all," and he picks himself up and presses a soft kiss to her forehead. "You should come out soon, or else you'll start to look like a prune."

She slaps him again and he lets out a chuckle. The man had a way with words and had the inability to keep his mouth shut, but then again he would not be Patrick Jane without that rather annoying attribute. She also has to admit that that is one of the many reasons as to why she is in love with him.

As he is leaving the room, she feels another contraction move around her abdomen. This isn't the first one she has had today – or rather this week – hence why she is currently in the bathtub currently soaking. For some reason, lying in warm water made them feel less uncomfortable and more ignorable. But this one was different somehow. It was a little more intense than the others.

"Patrick?" she calls after him, and watches him promptly stop his feet. "I think he's coming."

He turns to her and moves back towards her at an incredible rate. Just as he bends over to look down at her, she scrunches up her face as another contraction, even more intense than the last one, hits her. He places one hand on her upper arm and looks into her eyes. Only four days ago they were at the hospital for her to give birth, and it turned out to be a false labour. They were both disappointed, but this time…she has a feeling that the moment they had been waiting for has finally arrived.

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