Chapter 7

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Both groups were looking at each other waiting if someone will speak up and say something about this situation.

"I think I should get going until more people show up, it was nice with you Auntie-San, Uncle-San" spoked Takita getting up from place between Midnight and Mic.

"Ok Taki-Chan have a nice day~" said Midnight with motherly smile.


Takita send Midnight and Mic little smile as she walked to another group of heroes sending little wink to Ectoplasm making him blushing mess before walking out of the teachers lounge shutting the door behind her.

There was silence in teachers lounge, everyone blushing from cuteness and hotness of the girl that was just moment ago there with them.

"Um-m can s-someone tell me w-who was that hot girl and most importantly WHY DID SHE CALLED YOU TWO AUNT AND UNCLE!" spoked Ectoplasm waking up from his shock caused be hot and cute girl winking at him.

"Ectoplasm if I was you I wouldn't call her hot~" said Midnight.

"B-But she is h-hot..." said Vlad King blushing even more.

Thirteen, Ectoplasm and Cementoss just nodded at Vlad King's comment blushing even more if that's even possible.

"Taki-Chan is very hot, cute and mature women, but you should be extremely careful before who you say these things~" said Midnight at the end shivering at thought of what would happen if they would say something like that before that one person.

"YEAH BE EXTREMELYYY CAREFUL, BECAUSE IT WOULD BE-really scary if you would say something before this one p-person" said Mic his voice cracking at thought of saying it before that one person.

"What one person and why it would be extra scary it can't be that bad." said Vlad King getting little scared of expressions Midnight and Mic were doing while talking about this one person hearing someone say the girl is hot.

"Well you see that one person is her dad and he can be very scary even without someone calling his daughter hot"said Midnight wanting to tease them.

"Her dad? We are Pro Heroes he can't do anything to us when we are saying only facts." said Vlad King arrogantly smiling.

"But Taki-Chan's dad is Pro Hero too~" said Midnight giving him arrogant smile back.

"What? I don't know any Pro Hero that looks like her, you have to have wrong information" said Vlad King crossing his arms.

Before Midnight should say something Ectoplasm spoked up before her-"Anyway I never saw her here is she really our student?"

"Yeah that's good point I never saw her either." said Cementoss looking at Midnight with questioning look.

Now all four standing heroes were looking at Midnight with questioning looks wanting to already know who was that hot girl and why she was here.

"Taki-Chan is here only second day that's why you didn't saw her." said Midnight answering their question.

"Only second day? But half of schools year is already gone." said Thirteen suprised.

"Taki-Chan's father said Taki-Chan already knows everything from first half of year and Nezu-San knows
Taki-Chan is very smart and strong he would put her in third year, but she has to have all years so Nezu-san said Taki-Chan doesn't have to be here first half of year." said Midnight.

"You are saying that Principal Nezu wanted her to skip first and second year?!" said Vlad King surprised.

"It looks like she is really well trained from what are you saying." said Thirteen.

"Of course she is well trained if her dad is really some Pro Hero." said Ectoplasm.

"Midnight you are still avoiding the question 'what Pro Hero is her dad'." spoked Cementoss.

"Yeah that's right if you would already told us what Pro Hero is her dad we would already know why should we be so scared." said Vlad King.

"I don't want to just tell you, that would be no fun~" said Midnight smirking.

"Please!!!" said all four at once.

"Okay, I think I can give you a little hint~" said Midnight.

She waited little so they would be more eager.

"Her father is not only Pro Hero, her father is teacher here too~" said Midnight wanting to tease them even more.

"Her father is teacher here?!" Vlad King yelled.

"I still don't know..." said Thirteen in sad tone, thinking it's bad she can't even figure out who's daughter she is when she knows every teacher here very well.

"Midnight just say it!" said Ectoplasm.

"How I look at you I think it can't be helped, I will tell you~" said Midnight, bringing everyone's faces more close to her so they would already hear the name of mysterious girl's father.

"Do you remember how me and Hizashi maked big debate saying Shota has daughter yesterday~" said Midnight grinning.

"Yeah, why are you bringing this up now-" Vlad King stopped speaking and
room went silent.

All four standing heroes were having looks of horror and their skin turned white like few months old corpse.

"B-B-But t-that was-s a j-joke, right?..."
said Ectoplasm shivering at thought of two evil Aizawas in 1 km radius.

"It wasn't~"


- 895 words

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