Chapter 26

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Forgive my grammar mistakes.

Warning: 18+ content ahead

Ray's POV

How dare that son of a... ugh!!!

To be honest I was literally half hard seeing Sky sprawled on the bed with only his boxers and sexy bed hair.

That jerk took advantage of the situation and made me cum just with his dirty talk.

Ever since I have become pregnant my hormones are acting up a lot. Sometimes just a mere touch of Sky makes me hard. I don't know if this is just me or other pregnant ladies also go through the same things.

I was happy but more pissed at Sky. He didn't have to make my clothes dirty if he wanted to make me cum. He could have done it in another way too, right?

I didn't talk to him all the way to the  hospital. I just kept giving him death glare which didn't affect him even a bit.

"Stop, being mad na. You know you are looking like a cute angry kitten who is ready to scratch my face." Sky teased me again when we were inside the elevator of the hospital.

I didn't reply to him.

"Okay, I am sorry Na. Let me just make it up to you. How about I give you a special treat tonight? What do you say?" He said with a wink.

"Special treat my ass." I hiss at him.

"Oh yeah , it will be your ass only my cute little kitten."  He pinched my cheeks. I was about to hit him when the elevator door opened.

"Shall we go?" Sky gestures towards the exit bowing down a bit.

I stomp his feet and walk towards Alex's room.

"Hey Ryder, how are you?" I asked Ryder as soon as I approached him. I looked back and Sky was limping his way towards us. I smirked mentally.

Worth it.

"I am good, what happened to Sky?" He said pointing towards that limping jerk.

"Nothing, he just got something shoved inside his ass last night. Anyway, how is Alex doing?" I said.

Ryder's face was shocked for a moment but soon he controlled himself and said, "He, he woke up... last night."

"Okay... wait WHAT!!!!??? HE WOKE UP AND ..."

"Relax Ray, I knew you would act this way, that's why I asked Sky not to tell you anything." He said looking at Sky who finally was able to reach us.

"You are so dead!!!" I whispered to Sky in a threatening tone.

"Can I meet ...?"

"Yes you can but before you go inside and meet him, let me tell you one thing." Ryder said in a serious tone, making me nervous as hell.

He cupped my face in his palm and said, "Ray, whatever you are going to see inside, remember that the situation with Alex is not permanent, it's only temporary. He will be fine soon. So please, don't stress over his situation, okay?"

I nodded with a serious expression on my face. I wonder what happened to Alex. But seeing Ryder like this, worried about me even after knowing that I am Alex's ex I was happy from inside. I am glad that Alex found someone like Ryder who is so caring and loving.

"I will , thanks Ryder. You are really an amazing person, no wonder Alex fell for you." I said with teary eyes.

"Hey, you just made my kit... en... "

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