Chapter 39

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Forgive my grammar mistakes.


Sky's POV

I looked at Ray and he was stunned again to see his parents standing in front of him. I don't know how but Ryder seems to get his hands on them.

I hold Ray's hand to give him assurance that he is not alone and he shouldn't get scared in the presence of these monsters.

“How… did you… ?”

“I have my source.” Before Ray can ask further questions Ryder went near those monsters and whispered something to them. By looking at their expression I am sure it must be something very deadly because their faces became pale and by looking at them one can say that they might faint too.

“So… ?” Ryder said looking at them.

They finally gained their consciousness and went near Ray making him flinch in fear. Before I could push them away they fell into Ray's feet and started begging for his forgiveness.

“Ray… we will confess our crime and are ready to go to jail for whatever we have done to you, but please don't throw us into his hands.” His so called father begged.

Ray didn't budge a bit. He held into my hand tightly . Sensing his condition I answered them on his behalf. “I don't know what Ryder is going to do with you two but I am sure it will be totally worth it. You two deserve something worse than hell!!!”

After that I did not listen to their pleas and took Ray with me inside the room where Sun was asleep. I know, he is the only one who will be able to calm Ray down and make his fear go away at this moment.

I laid Ray down on bed and put our son down next to him. Ray didn't say anything but he kept looking at our baby's face. After half an hour he finally fell asleep while embracing our son gently. I tucked two pillows beside Sun and covered both of them with a duvet. After kissing both of their foreheads I went outside.

When I went outside things were a bit different. Alex was looking confused and angry at the same time while Ryder had his poker face. Ray's parents were shivering in fear while still knelt down on the floor.

I think Ryder must have told something about himself to Alex. Even though I don't know the whole truth, I am sure whatever it is, it's not good. I always had my doubts on Ryder that he is involved in something dark, but I never asked him about it. After all it was his secret to tell and if he thinks that it's not safe to reveal whatever it is then be it.

“How is he?” Ryder asked me as soon as he noticed my presence.

“Sleeping for now, but he is in shock after whatever has happened for the past few days. By the way, what are you going to do with them?” I said, pointing towards Ray's so-called parents.

“Leave them to me, they will be in very good hands… trust me. They'll get what they deserve.” He said with an evil smirk which managed to bring shiver down to my body. I shudder with the mere thought of what Ryder might do with them.

I pointed at Alex who was still looking angry and was sulking. Ryder gave me a wink and signed that he will take care of that matter.

I gave him a smile and went inside the room again to check on two most lovable people in my life.

Now that Ray's culprits are getting what they deserve, I am sure Ray will be able to live more freely now, physically and emotionally. I will make sure to be with him always in every step of his life.

It's been two weeks ever since the encounter with Ray's parents. After we came back to our home Ray was still not Ray, he was not himself. He kept having nightmares for a few days but it went away after proper treatment and love from his family.

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