Chapter 7: Brainstorming

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I crawl up to Enzo in the den. He holds me tightly to him.

"What are we gonna do now?" Enzo asks. "He wants war. How are we gonna get enough people to fight him? I only know a few people." Enzo sighs.

"Hey look at me." I say sitting in his lap and putting my hands on his cheeks. "We are going to talk to Matty. Then we will brainstorm ideas. We both knew this was going to happen. I already got a plan in action." Enzo pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek.

"Let's go meet up with Matt then." He smiles and we get out of the den. We run in the Second Country swiftly. My side burns in pain from my broken ribs, but I try to make it unnoticeable. We make it to Gretal's house quickly. I knock on the door as I hear running and jumping inside.

"One minute please!" Gretal yells. Seconds later her eldest son answers the door.

"Oh hey Violet. Are you here to speak with Matt?" He asks.

"Yes please Achak." I say to the brown haired sixteen year old.

"Matt! Violet's here!" Achak yells behind him.

"Violet!" Matty comes running past Achak and tackles me.

"Thank you Achak, please tell Gretal I'm going to borrow him for an hour like usual." I smile at him.

"Sure thing. Don't be too mean to her Matt." Achak ruffles Matty's hair. Achak then shuts the door.

"Come on Matty." I give him one last squeeze before pulling away to hold his hand. His birthday was last week. My fifteen year old little brother. I turn twenty in a month. We start walking towards the Third Country.

"So what did you do this time? Don't try to hide. I saw the explosion a mile away." Matty raised his brow at me.

"She didn't make it in time to the bomb." Enzo gave him a weak smile.

"Is that why her-" I smothered him into a hug.

"Hush! I'll tell you later." I whisper where only he can hear. "I love you too Matty." I say covering it up. Matty gives me his blank mad face.

"Okay, look Matt we need to talk to you about-" Suddenly a man dressed in all black charged at me. I pulled my knife out and pushed the flat part against his neck as I pushed him against a tree.

"Who sent you." Enzo growled.

"Traitors!" The man yelled. I pushed my knife harder, the jagged sides nicking his skin.

"Who sent you." My voice is deadly and commanding.

"Alpha King Gavin and Luna Queen Ella." The man gasped out.

"What should I do with him now?" I ask Enzo.

"Slice his throat." Enzo says.

"Pst, she's not really a killer. She tries just to wound people." I hear Matt.

"Hey!" I step away and face Matty with my arms crossed.

"Cassy look out!" Enzo pushes me to the ground as my arm gets grazed. He takes my knife and throws it right between the man's eyes.

"Matt look away." I command as I watch him. I watch as the man falls to the ground. "Wolfsbane." I hiss as Enzo pulls me up.

"So he's playing dirty now." Enzo growls as he looks at my arms. The small thin mark is slightly burned.

"Did he get you?" I ask Enzo.

"No, what about you Matt?" Enzo asks.

"I'm fine. Can we go somewhere safer please?" Matt says.

"Yeah keep your eyes closed." I say as I grab Matty's arm and walk to the dead man. His eyes glazed open. I pull my knife from his head and we walk the rest of the way to the den with our hoods up.

I sit against the wall of the den with Matt and Enzo on the other wall in front of me. I wipe my knife off in the grass.

"What is it that you two need to tell me?" Matty asks.

"There is a war coming and I want you hidden safely with Gretal's kids in the Second Country. Matty we need to speak to the people of the Third and Second Country. That way we can gather some fighters. Were going to war against the Alpha King and Queen." I say resting my knife back into my back pocket.

"I think Enzo should speak to the Second Country since they will trust him. You should speak with the Third Country. They will relate with you and trust you before they trust an outsider. They think you're blowing things up so you already are their symbol of freedom. Encourage them." Matty thinks out loud.

"I like you thinking kid, but some of the men in the Second Country have contracts with my father and they won't stop at anything until they kill Cassy." Enzo butts into the conversation.

"After we do our first riot in the Second Country we could have the families who agree to fight, sent to the Third Country since the battle will take place in the Second and First Country. They could leave their small kids with you and you could make sure they stay safe." I blurted out.

"But I want to fight too!" Matt whines.

"No and that final you mean too much to me Matt, besides this war is going to be the quickest war since the Great Division." I say.

"Fine." He grumbles. "We could send the injured to the Third Country too if it comes down to it." Matty said pushing what I said behind.

"When should we do the first riot and where?" Enzo asks.

"Both at the same time. Achak works at an advertising agency. I can make posters and flyers. We can call them World For A Rogue. We can hand them out saying the first riots two days from now." Matty shrugs.

"Good idea, but it has to be in a secret place at night. Make some for the Third Country and Second Country. We can take the people in the Second Country to that old shack we found a year ago Enzo. For the Third Country we can go in front of Sam's cafe." I say.

"That would work perfectly." Matt said. I had taken him to the shack a few times to hide out or meet up so he knew where they were.

"I'll come get you tomorrow with the flyers." I tell Matt.

"Okay I'll be ready." Matt says.

"Try not to tell Achak too much information though okay?" I asked him.

"Alright. Frick!" Matty shouted, looking at his wrist watch.

"Hey Language!" I correct him.

"Sorry, I need to get back to Gretal." Matt says.

"I think Enzo fell asleep come on I'll take you." I said as we crawled out of the den. As soon as we were far enough from the den Matty stopped.

"Why did you hush me earlier about your wound?" Matt turns to me.

"Because Enzo doesn't know I'm still hurt if he did I'd be lying down useless in the den. It was the only way. This war is coming and it's not going to pause because of a few broken bones." I conclude.

"Cassy you're doing it again." Matt sighs.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You promised me you'd be safer if you knew I was safe Cassy. But if you keep secrets like this from Enzo then how do I know you are not keeping something from me?"

"I would never lie to you Matty. You know that. I'm just protecting you. I'll be healed before the war comes. I promise." I kiss his temple and we keep walking. I drop him off and head back to the den. I fall asleep next to Enzo silently. 

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