Chapter 11: Spy

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I wake up when I hear a sudden click. I ready my knife.

"Did you get the picture?" Maddie asked on her phone.

"Yeah, she really is freaky looking. Who's the cute guy holding her?" Her phone speaks back.

"I know right? To bad he's her mate." Maddie sighs.

"Girl I thought you found your mate?" Her phone continues.

"Nah, I just don't touch him or electrocute him if he holds my hand." Maddie said. I had enough I got up in a flash pressed her against a tree with a knife against her throat.

"Hi this is the freak, what about you?" I spit venom into my words.

"Where is Maddie? I'm Brit." She snapped back.

"I'm Cassy Nixon the girl about to end her for playing my brother." I hear a gasp from Brit and I hang up.

"Please don't I'm sorry!" Maddie started shrieking and crying I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why did you pretend to be my brother's mate?" I growl at her.

"He was cute! He led me straight to you. I was supposed to tell my leader where you were, but I didn't get to!" She blabbed and cried.

"Cas, what are you doing?" Enzo walked up to me.

"I'm gonna kill her!" I growled out and started to push my knife deeper.

"Please help me! I am sorry I used him I didn't know you were this skilled." Maddie sobs and cries.

"You used me?" Matty's fragile voice broke my heart. I looked over my shoulder. His eyes held back the ocean as he looked at her.

"No! I would never-" I push my knife deeper drawing a little blood.

"Shut up!" I growled at her. "No one hurts Matty!" I went to push the knife deeper when Enzo grabbed me.

"You can torcher her all you want, but we need answers." He kissed my neck as he calmed me down. He untied the rope around his left leg that he wore just in case we got snuck or something. He had rope on both legs, but now just his right leg. I held her still with my knife as he tied her up. When he finished I took my knife and sliced her arm. She screamed in pain.

"Shut up it will heal." I walk away from her. I stand in front of Matty.

"It's gonna be alright you just haven't found you mate yet. She was just a spy." I hug him. He nods and wipes his tears on my shoulder. I rub circles on his back gently.

"Why did you come?" Enzo ask her.

"I can't say." I walk over to her and slice her arm again.

"My Beta Eric told me that Alpha King Gavin needed a good spy to spy on you and find you plans. Then I found Matt and he was coated in your scent so I let him lead me to you. Then my friend Brit called and wanted to see what you look like and then this happened." She sobbed out.

"Well that everything. We don't really need her for anything else." Enzo shrugged.

"We could hold her hostage." Matty says.

"No, they wouldn't have sent someone like her to spy on us Matty. She's as good as dead to them. Useless." I said.

"Hey! At least I'm better than you!" She shot at me. I turned to face her swiftly.

"If your so good then why are you tied to a tree with a knife to your throat instead of me." I shot back with venom. She growled.

"We should just kill her she's annoying enough." Enzo rubbed his temples.

"Have a better idea." I grinned. I grab her arm and carve. She cries and screams. Afterward I hit the butt of my knife against her head. She passes out unconscious. Her arm was going to scar with a three word warning. "Next One Dies" hope they have fun with that.

"I'll drop her in the woods near the village." Matt says.

"You don't have to buddie." I put my hands on his cheek.

"I'm heading that way anyway. Besides, I don't mind." Matt says as Enzo unties her and put the rope back on his leg.

"Be careful Matty." I mod to him. He grabs her leg and pulls her behind him.

"We got to get ready for the riots." Enzo says hugging me from behind. I lean into his touch.

"You know where to head right?" I ask him.

"Yeah, do you?" He asks.

"Yeah, be careful and watch you back. There will be lunatics out. Do you know what you gonna say? Do you remember what I told you?" I ask.

"Calm down Cassy. Yes I remember what to say and yes I remember what you said. You be careful too." He kisses me gently. I hug him. We release each other and start to depart. 

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