~~~ It's Your Lucky Day ~~~

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It was almost what L imagined a water slide at a theme park would feel like, except it was pitch black and smelled like moss and seaweed. They plummeted downwards for a few seconds and then suddenly the tunnel leveled off, the rushing around them subsided and the only noise left was the sloshing water. The sound of violins seemed to have disappeared with the sea level. L turned to check on Bryce and Robbie, neither of whom looked impressed.

She eyed a smirking Sully, "A little warning would have been nice."

"And here I thought ye were always cautious of what's coming," he looked smug and L had the distinct urge to push him over the side, though she resisted.

They still needed him to take them the rest of the way, and she didn't really need to make more enemies at this point. Instead she reached out with all of her senses, hoping to determine where they were or what might be waiting. She could sense nothing but the rock surrounding them, no consciousness that would suggest something was lying in wait nearby.

"Are we close to the creature you're taking us to?" L asked, wondering if this was just another leg of the journey.

"Almost, this part is where things get a little... weird."

Sully didn't bother to elaborate on what he meant, he turned to face front just in time for the boat to begin descending again. They rode a steady stream, L knew must have been taking them deep underwater. She couldn't sense the sea beyond but the temperature was gradually dropping.

She glanced to Bryce, who had a calculating expression. He shook his head however, clearly not wanting to discuss his thoughts in such closed quarters. L looked to Robbie, who seemed to be taking most of this in his stride, his breath rose in thick clouds the lower the temperature dropped.

He caught L's eye and smiled, "Has a Dragon ever been this far underground before?"

L was surprised by the random question, she let her mind scour back, she didn't have a lot of information but it was enough to know the answer.

"No, your kind prefer the skies and mountain top caves."

Robbie grinned, he seemed to like that answer, L on the other hand was still getting used to knowing she and Robbie were different species'- not that it changed anything really. She couldn't help thinking back to their lives, prior to Bryce turning up in Mullfield, and how different it would be if he never had. They would both be getting ready to sit their exams and finish school.

L would be contemplating her next move, whether she would stick around Mullfield or convince Robbie to leave with her. L couldn't help wondering, would she have ever stayed in one place? Would she have been able to settle, not knowing anything about herself or what happened with her parents? Would she have gone searching and found this life anyway?

She felt a nudge to her leg, snapping her out of her thoughts, she peered around to see Bryce staring at her.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I was just thinking about what life would have been like had you never come for me."

"Dull, would be my answer," Robbie responded immediately, grinning at L and Bryce.

Bryce turned back to L, "What conclusion did you come to?" And L was sure she could see a twinkle of concern in his eyes.

"Pretty much the same as Robbie, this life might be dangerous but it's real and it's true. If you hadn't found me, I would have gone on thinking I was nobody, stuck in a life that I hated. But, I think I would have found a way into this world even if you hadn't come for me."

Bryce's mouth stretched into a smile the more she spoke, "I think so too. You would have gone looking for your parents eventually and stumbled upon our world. Probably found me doing something amazing and started obsessing over me."

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