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So guys, the glossary hasn't been updated since August of last year (whoops). If there's anything you guys think should be added to it, just drop a comment or private message me!

Once again, thank you so much for being a part of this incredible journey!



LAST UPDATED: APRIL 2, 2020 — NOTE: It's like ten pm and honestly that's not even that late but I've been editing this thing for like... uh... fifteen mins, and that's not that much, but my eyes are going crazy so... yeah. I was gonna post this on April 1st, but then I was like... my readers might think that this is a prank (although I'm not sure how it would be) so I just saved myself the pain of having to explain it wasn't a prank.

LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 17, 2022 — NOTE: This this has literally doubled in length, which just goes to show how many things I forgot the last time. Also, WOW. Look at that time difference. 2020 to 2022. Anyway, if I messed something up or forgot to add something, feel free to let me know!


ACHILLES — A hero of the Trojan War, the lover of Patroclus and Deidameia, and the son of Peleus and Thetis. He was the ancestor of Kallistrate through her mother, Olympias, and related to Andromeda by law through his son. He was ultimately killed by Paris of Troy.

ADAMANTINE— A metal that glitters translucent white, like a cross of diamonds and silver. It is considered the strongest metal and was thought to be unbreakable until Galeria escaped.

ADONIS — The brother of Galeria who was killed by Claudius, their father, at thirteen.

AELIA— The third life of Eden's soul, Aelia was a commander of the Roman army, of the gens Aelia. One of her greatest achievements was the defeat of Hannibal. Her prized weapon was Trepidatio, her bow.

AETERNAE — A monster with bony, saw-toothed protuberances sprouting from its head.

AGAMEMNON — The king of Mycenaean, related to Andromeda by law through his wife, Clytemnestra. He was the supreme commander of the Achaean army, and the fall of Troy brought him the rule of all of Greece.

ALCATHOUS — Originally a peasant who ultimately killed the Lion of Cithaeron with the help of the god Apollo, his victory over the lion granted him Princess Euaechme, daughter of the king of Onchestus, as well as kingship over Onchestus.

ALEXANDER THE GREAT — The king of Macedon and Persia, and the brother of Kallistrate. He was thought to have been the owner of the twin knives Teleutḗ and Átē, as well as thought to have conquered and expanded the Persian Empire alone.

AMARA— The current nymph Oracle of Delphi.

AMPELUS — A monster that looks like a leopard, but is not like the other leopards, and it doesn't have a tail. When seen by women, it inflicts them with an unexpected illness.

ANDREAS — Andromeda's pseudonym when she first sailed to Troy under the guise of a male.

ANDROMEDA — The first life of Eden's soul, Andromeda was the co-commander of the Ithacan forces in the Trojan War, the princess of Ithaca, and the sister of Odysseus. One of her greatest achievements was the defeat of Troy in the previously mentioned war. Her prized weapons were Omirijoi, her arrows.

ATLAS — The titan of strength and endurance.

APHRODITE — The goddess of love, beauty, lust, sexuality, desire, and pleasure.

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