O n e 🍒

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a/n~ guessing you read the info {kind of important} I'm not going to explain anything and just get on with the story. Also, I'm writing this on my laptop so I cant add videos or photos during the story 😒😢 so I'll just add links instead, look if you want x

beep. beep. beep.

My alarm was going off, I hit it and got up, moving day! My best friend, Chase moved there last year, my parents got divorced last month and I was getting bullied so we moved.

Since I was going to be on a plane for hours I grabbed a comfy outfit from my drawer, a pair of grey joggers and an oversized hoodie. I grabbed my shoes, my bag and my skateboard and went downstairs.

y/m~ Hey y/n, you excited?

y/n~ omg yes! I cant wait to see Chase again.

y/m~ good good.

Alex~ I'm well excited, I get to meet Ally again, {his girlfriend}

{You nudged Alex and winked then he picks you up and throws you on the couch}

y/m~ oi. you two! quit it.

y/n and Alex~ sorry mum.

{you laugh it off and walk out to the car}

after like half an hour we get to the airport.

{you get kind of bored so you go ask Alex if he wants a drink}

y/n~ muuuum? can me and Alex go get Starbucks?

y/m~ yeah sure be quick?

y/n~ ok.

When you get back your gate is opening. You all grab your stuff and walk over to the gate your plane is boarding at.

Alex lets you sit next to the window so you can post some pictures of the view {you're kind of popular on Instagram} so after you took some pictures you went to sleep cuz it was a long flight.

sorry guys. I know its short but its just my first one still trying to get ideas

324 words

It's Only You// Payton Moormeier 🌷 💖Where stories live. Discover now