E i g h t y - e i g h t 🥀

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a/n~ hey guys so ik I missed Tuesdays post and im sorry so here's today's early

y/n~ what?

Pay~ I think we shoul-

y/n~ no I heard you.

Pay~ then why ask again?

y/n~ because I think you're fucking delusional. Move House?! that is the only home Nova has ever known?!

a/n~ ngllll I forgot she existed...

Pay~ she's a dog. I don't think she'll be that fussed as long as there's food and a backyard y/n

y/n~ that's not the point, I don't want to move and I don't think the rest of the house want to either

Pay~ but it's not safe

y/n~ it will be! soon.

Pay~ how do you know that?

y/n~ the GoFundMe? it only needs a couple more grand

Pay~ and how long is that going to take?

y/n~ erm I don't know, but I've got two jobs, one as a waitress and another as a cashier

Pay~ to get the rest of the money?

y/n~ yeah

Pay~ y/n, why? I don't want you beating yourself up over all of this

a/n~ would like to just say... Payton Moormeier could hit me with a truck, a bus, and a car and I would thank him. just me? k.

y/n~ I'm not beating myself up, I'm fine. well not really, but not because of the jobs...

Pay~ I don't want to do this right now y/n, I just had the most fun I've ever had in a long time and I don't want to ruin that, please?

y/n~ fine. but we're not moving house, you put every penny you had into buying that house and my dickhead of a dad is not taking that away from you.

Pay~ but what if there's more of them?

y/n~ there is, but we need to be smart about this, maybe we could ALL including Nova, go on a vacation, post on Instagram the day we'll be back then-

Pay~ what so they can set camp outside our front door to kill us?

a/n~ mood.

y/n~ if you were going to let me finish?! ask some police to stay there to see who shows up and arrest them then we go back a day or two after?

Pay~ wait that's such a good idea babygirl, we have to do that.

y/n~ okay I'll text the groupchat

Pay~ yep okay.


Hey guys.

wth are you y/n?! and wtf happened with Chase?!

oi Josh, stfu. hey y/n, wassup?

erm so, I'm with Payton rn

right so you leave your upset friend for him?

Josh wtf has gotten into you?

well. if you must know, me and Chase got into an argument, so I left. It wasn't my plan to meet Payton. It just happened ffs and I don't regret it

well can you tell me what you want so I can go back to supporting my FRIEND

josh. stfu man! she's hurting more than the rest of us, ofc for the exception of Chase, so lay off!

ty Ant. sorry for wasting all your time, but erm me and Payton we're talking about us all going on a erm vacation?

seriously after everything that's happened recently you want to go on vacation?! are you fucking crazy?

josh shut up, she's smart. smarter than you aswell, so give her a fucking chance dude


no listen, what if we go on a vacation, post all over Instagram the day we'll be back and stuff then ask some police to stay that entire day to see who shows up and arrest them then we go back like the next day or something?

see josh, you going to stop being a prick now?

stfu Anthony

dude our rooms are literally opposite eachother, I will come and kick your fucking ass if I have to!

holy shit

a/n~ also mood.

oh really c'mon then lets see how that plans out for you huh?

guys just stop ffs


right people argue okay? It doesn't mean y/ns a bad person, she's amazing in fact


ofc, like c'mon. this was our first. AND last argument and we both had hella pent up feelings and emotions and we were both just there uno?

yeah I know.

*you swapped to yours and Chases Messages*

i love you hufflepuff.

i love you too bumble bee.

*you held your phone to your chest before quickly pulling it away to go back onto the groupchat*

well I think y/ns plan is fucking fantastic who else?

me and Jackson say yeah.

I think we should do it

me and Abby are in, Josh?

I guess?

then start fucking packing bitches, because we're going to god damn Bora Bora baby woooo

oa look who rose from the dead? heaven or hell :))

haha funny one Abs

813 words

It's Only You// Payton Moormeier 🌷 💖Where stories live. Discover now