28- The wedding Venue

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It's 6 days till Christmas! 🎄 I'm pretty excited.

I've finished school for the Christmas holidays which means I'll be able to update more over Christmas... 🎁

P.S. Thank you for 6k xxx


"We have decided to get married on Christmas Eve!" Perrie said whilst looking up at Zayn as she grabs his hand to intwine her fingers with his. I think they are just the cutest couple ever like I ship them more than I ship me and Calum. Just kidding.

Talking about Calum, whilst making wedding plans with Perrie, he keeps 'joking' about us getting married but I don't know if he's actually joking or if he's trying to hint on that he wants to marry me. We have only been friends for a few month talk about being in a relationship only a week. Maybe I'm just inferring the wrong things here. I don't think he's actually that stupid to ask a girl to marry him after a week though, so maybe I'm just the stupid one here.

"That's so magical," I stated, "christmas is the perfect time to get married but it's a bit short notice don't you think. Christmas is literally next week."

"I know but we wanna get married as soon as possible, don't we Zayn?" She asked once she turned her head up to look up at Zayn. He nodded in agreement wearing a smile on his face.

"Where are you actually getting married?" I asked them. I have been making plans with them but I can't really concentrate on what they are saying when Calum's around.

"Well I'm not sure. I did want to get married in a Church but for the respects of Zayns religion, we are not." She smiled up at Zayn once again.

An idea popped into my head, "I know the perfect place."

Perrie, Zayn and I had made it to the place I had suggested.

"This is the castle Calum took you to?" Perrie asked as she stared at the building with wide eyes.

"It sure was," I said as I folded my arms and smiled remembering mine and Calum's amazing date.

"Zayn, what do you think?" She turned to him and asked.

"I think it looks nice," he nodded in satisfaction, "obviously it will look even better when we add our decorations to it." We nodded in agreement.

"Can I help you?" We shot our head around at the sudden voice. There was a women who looked about 40 wearing a pencil skirt and a white shirt. She also held a clip board and a pen in her hand.

"Erm, we were just admiring this castle because we are looking for somewhere to get married." Zayn explained to her.

"Well we do weddings here if you- wait, I know who you are," she stopped mid sentence as she looked at us all as she was in deep thought, "Zac from One Direction? My daughter loves One Direction and Little Mix." She asked.

"It's Zayn." His cheeks turned slightly pink at the embarrassment as me and Perrie giggled. They both added something about her daughter.

"Oh sorry Zayn. Anyway, I think we would be honoured for you to have your wedding here." She smiled brightly between them both. I just stood behind them to let them make their own decisions.

"Well would you mind if we took a look around?" Perrie asked.

"I wouldn't mind at all." She lead us through the humungous door and I entered to see the most beautiful vintage lobby ever. If this is just the lobby, I can't wait to see the room where weddings are held. It was vintage but you could tell it has been decorated a little bit more modern but it still looks gorgeous.

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