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Kokichi sighed as he watched Shuichi and Kaede hold hands, walking out of the classroom. With his head resting in his hands, he wished that Shuichi would turn around to him, hold him in his arms, and wash his worries to bay.

But, silly Ouma, that's just a daydream.

He closed his eyes and let his head fall onto the desk as his arms collapsed. It hurt, but he didn't care. He just felt... dumb. Dumb for letting himself get attached to Saihara. Kaede was just too good for the likes of the Supreme Leader, it seemed.

After a good minute of feeling terrible, he heard a creaking noise resonate throughout the classroom.

"Huh?" Kokichi's head perked up to the noise of a door opening. To his surprise, Himiko waddled in the room, gently closing the door behind her.

When their eyes met, Himiko had the living shit scared out of her.

"NYEH--" She jumped at the sight of somebody. Especially Kokichi.

"Jeez, spoop ya much? Maybe that's my Ultimate talent..." He stuck out his tongue at the frightened girl.

"Curse you! I'd use my magic to punish you, but my MP's low right now... like my feelings." Himiko's head slumped in a defeated manner.

"Heyyy, no need for that face..." Kokichi felt slightly concerned at the sight of her sorrow. "You look like a soggy sock. What's up?" He inquired jokingly, his hands behind his head.

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