Chapter 24 Part 2

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The lights blare down on me, condensing the very essence of my being as I push through having to smile. Hoping the imperfections in the curve of my lips would not be captured by the lens of scrutiny behind everyone's eye.

At least that's how I had been functioning for the last couple of days, now here we were standing amongst the crowd, in what I can only describe as an incredible venue. I would have loved the view showcasing the astounding city lights if it weren't for the fact I did not want to be here.

I resist the sudden urge to place my hand on my belly, reminding myself that I had a real family with Alex and other people that came along with it. That was the only thing going, the only string that held my sanity in check as I held back another eye roll as another obnoxious remark passed from some colleague of Derek's lips. Everyone laughed, of course they would laugh, you'd be surprised how much some people can take when they're desperate for a promotion. They're all a bunch of imbeciles if you ask me.

Speaking of imbeciles

One of them currently had his arm wrapped around me, it both fascinates and worries me how he can put his hands on someone, how he knowingly participates in ruining someone's life yet can stand here and smile as he casually engaged in some conversation with Marcus. Funny how these two could be so cordial and even seem like friends, but deep down I knew both would jump to sabotage the other. They weren't real friends if Marcus' all too prominent glances to my cleavage are any indication.

Derek hadn't said anything to me which I was grateful for since I was coerced into going to this event. We even arrived here in separate cars. I could barely stand his presence what more I hated feeling the weight of the engagement ring scorching my skin on this faux thing we called a relationship. Deep down I knew this thing wouldn't last forever; I refused to subject myself to being his wife, even if we would both lead distinct and separate lives. I couldn't have my child go through that, no. I had to fight for this beautiful creation.

I will fight.

I briefly made eye contact with Serena who was currently seated at a table wearing her signature expression of boredom, yet her eyes told me everything they needed to. It had not taken any convincing to get Patrice on board, who easily apprized us on his activities as of late. And to think I once found myself loving him.

But I guess it is true, you have to go through rubbish to know what something good looks like and I was more than ready to have that form of good back in my arms. Tonight was the rare chance we got to get what we needed and Patrice arrived right on time, unnoticed as she entered the elevator. Her role was simple; she was the only one who currently knew her way around Derek's office better than him even. And with him distracted, he wouldn't be on her case, ordering her around.

"You enjoying yourself, sweetheart?" cut the one voice I dreaded, I turned my head and briefly made eye contact with him scoffing in the process," As if you care," I said all to bluntly and from the corner of my eye I could see Marcus purse his lips, no doubt wanting to hold back a laugh. He smiled but it was all too clear if we weren't in public he would have back handed me for that rude remark. Before he could say anything further, I moved away without another word and made my way to the bathroom.

Once I found myself in the safety of the room I leaned against the sink feeling the beginning of a migraine coming on, how much more of this torture would I have to bear?

"You really aren't doing a good job of hiding your hate for him," Serena's muttered entering into the room. She moved around the area, her eyes surveying each stall to ensure we were both alone until she came to stand next to me.

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