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1 year later



Deep blue eyes.

Just like her father's.

Its only been a few months of being a mother and my heart swells with each passing second I spend with the tiny being that made Heaven open up as soon as I heard her cries. I would protect her and be the type of mother I had been deprived of.

Alex had been emotional, seeing the way he held and interacted with her so well was incredible. The memory was still fresh of the day Diana came into our life and holding her now, cradling her to my chest- it was one of the best days of my life.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine with her grandma," said Alex's mother as she entered the living room plopping next to me.

"I know," I whined admiring the peaceful look on her face," just because I've returned to work still doesn't make being away from her any easier."

Hearing the groan past her lips I chuckled looking back up at her," For the last time, if anything happens I will call one of you," she replied.

"Now you should go," she continued whilst taking her granddaughter into her arms," and enjoy work. Don't forget today she's staying the night here."

I pouted," I swear if I didn't love your son so much I would have objected against him being so adamant on us spending time together," I said standing ready to leave. If I stay any longer I would be tempted to take D with me to work.

"Do you have any idea what you guys will get up to?" she asked grinning.

"Considering how this one," I said stretching my hand out to momentarily rub my baby girl's head," has been keeping us up at night. I'm sure the only exciting thing we'll do is sleep."

Deep down I knew that wasn't true.

I had plans for tonight.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Nodding my head I give her and my sleeping angel a quick peck before I head out to work.


Listening intently on the progress we've made so far in the meeting my hand plays with the engagement ring currently sitting on my finger. A habit I developed since the night he proposed. More often than I hated to admit my mind strayed, looking forward to the future as each day revealed more joy than I could fathom.

After the meeting I half-heartedly listened to what Serena and Angie were discussing," Alex," Angie replied. I perked up and caught her smirking as Serena looked at me with amusement.

"Told you that would get her attention."

Sucking my teeth I refocus on them," You guys are such idiots," I chuckled.

"When's the wedding again?" Serena asked.

"In April," I blushed," you're still coming right?"

"Of course," she shrugged.

"With Kevin?" I asked trying to keep my tone from being too hopeful. She grimaced avoiding eye contact. Angie spared a glance in my direction.

"Serena, come on. Not every guy is going to hurt you especially at the level Derek did," said Angie who reached across the table to give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I know, I know. That still won't stop the small voice in my head from warning me off whenever Kevin does something so sweet."

"It's okay to have your doubts," I said staring intently into her eyes," I have periods where I'm terrified I'm going to suddenly wake up and find Alex mistreating me or that he no longer loves me. But allowing fear to pull you back stops you from ever living life."

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