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"No Daniel! No! This can't be-" Zach screams as medics rush in the room, pushing Daniel out forcefully.
"No get me back there! Daniel! No! Ugh!" Zach shouted, trying to fight against the crowd of people who tried to get in as the tears flowed down the brunettes face. After all he got sent out of the room as his hands and face stuck to the transparent window, a border between the couple.
"Baby!" Zach cried out, catching a couple of other patients attention but didn't care.

Blake and a couple of other medics started to perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation as Zach watched restlessly, tears streaming down his face. But the tears stopped as the heart beat monitor turned silent, and then into a steady, yet a little slow heartbeat. Doctor Richardson sighed in relief as the others also did, and they controlled some machines to let the patient breathe normally. 
As the young doctor left the white colored wall room, he looked at Zach.
"According to the symptoms, Daniel had a drug overdose along with a heart attack."
He explained before continuing, taking his note pad and pen out. 
"Do you know how or why this happened?"
Zach gulped, a slight hint of anxiety.
"Well um, I wasn't there the past week as I had to go on a trip to Australia for business purposes, and I wasn't present when this happened. I only came back around eight pm." 
He explained as he played with his fingers. 
"Okay. Thank you for the information." Blake noted down before asking another question.
"Have you contacted Mr. Seavey's parents yet?"
"I already have, they will be arriving in probably about 3 more hours."
Blake just nodded.
"You may enter his room in a few minutes, and if Mr. Seavey wakes up, please press on the orange nurse button on the side of his bed."
And with that being said, he left. 
As told, Zach entered the room as he sat down on couch next to Daniel's body as he examined the pale boy's face. 
"Hey baby." Zach whispered as he  Daniel's cheek.  The blonde didn't respond, and Zach sighed as he decided to open his phone up to see any texts from Daniel's parents. 

But instead of Mr. and Mrs. Seavey's text, a text from an unknown number texted him. Zach scrunched up his nose as he confusingly read the text, smiling after realizing who it was. He quickly texted him back, adding him in his contacts, and texted him until he heard some painful groan. He quickly shut his phone in panic as he saw Daniel's eyes flutter open. 
"Z-zachy?" Daniel's raspy voice called out.
"Baby! Thank god!" Zach replied as he smiled in relief, bring Daniel into a hug. Daniel hugged back weakly as he whimpered in pain. Zach gasped and let go, letting him lie down again slowly. 
"W-what happened?" Daniel asked weakly staring at Zach with his bright blue eyes.
As Zach explained about what happened including the part Daniel's heart stopped, Daniel kept gasping at the news.
"But thank god! I was so so so scared!" Zach exclaimed as Daniel smiled, Zach leaning down to kiss Daniel's dry lips with his own plump ones. Their kiss was slow and soft. 
As their lips parted, Zach rummaged through his pocket with a confused Daniel looking at him. He took out his lip balm and handed it to Daniel who instantly giggled. 
"Thanks Zachy." He whispered giggling and put it on as Zach look at the blonde in awe. 

Suddenly the older's phone started ringing. Zach took his iPhone 11 Pro out of his pocket as he saw the contact named, that was the same caller as last time, and slightly smiled, not so evidently.
"Sorry Dani but I have to take the call." Zach said looking at the phone and back at Daniel, who frowned.
"Okay." He said bluntly as Zach left the room to take the call as he stared at him from inside the room on the bed that smelled like medicine and sanitizer.
Daniel felt a pang of sadness and jealously as he saw Zach smiling while speaking in the phone. Even worse, when he laughed and blushed.
"I thought it was an important call... Why is he blushing and laughing." Daniel mumbled as he tried pushing some buttons attached to the bed remote that lifted the head part of the bed to make him sit up a little straighter, around 300 degrees.

Just as Zach was taking the call, Doctor Richardson entered Daniel's hospital room after knocking. Daniel faked a smile as he looked at Blake but frowned when he saw the same frown on the black haired doctor's face.
"Mr Seavey," he started and cleared his throat.
"I have already informed- Mr Herron but you have had a drug overdose and a heart attack that caused you to be sent to the hospital. Do you remember what happened before?"
Daniel's eyebrows furrowed as he thought back. It took him a while until he remembered.
"I think- No, I remember I was in pain for a long time and I couldn't bare it so I took the pain killers and then I took another one the next hour but it didn't stop hurting so after like another hour I took another..." Daniel paused, trying to find something else that he had forgotten.
"Mr Seavey, I am definitely sure on the prescription paper it said to not take more than two per eight hours." Blake stated sternly making Daniel's eyes wide and gulp.
"I-I forgot about that." Daniel replied biting his lips in anxiety.
"Please remember next time." Blake told as the blonde nodded.
Blake opened the door to leave, as he had the feeling he forgot to say something... Very important. He wondered but soon shrugged it off as he left the room.
"Thank you." Daniel exclaimed before Blake left, as the young doctor smiled at him and left the room.

Just as Doctor Richardson left the room, Zach entered the room. As Daniel saw the flustered expression of Zach, his gazed at the ceiling.
"What was that talk about?" Zach asked Daniel.
"Just explaining what happened before to the doctor." Daniel answered bluntly as he kept his eyes looking at the ceiling.
"Well um I have to go 'cause I have a really important meeting at 6 am tomorrow, so good night babe." Zach said as he pecked Daniel's lips.
Daniel kisses back as he said bye, acting happy.

"Why the heck does he have to leave when his own boyfriend almost died of a heart attack and drug overdose?" Daniel mumbled as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
As Daniel reached out to his phone and charger Zach left, he looked at his socials, liking and commenting pictures and once again charging his phone before lying down facing upwards and sighing, as he drifted off to sleep.

∆ 1158 words ∆
A/n: Guess who the caller was 😏
Daniel's gonna see somebody who he will only see for a split second but that person's gonna change Daniel's life- OOPS SPOILER!
Stay tuned and don't forget to vote. 🙏✌️

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