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"Thank you Mr Seavey." a blonde student said as she left the gymnasium after Daniel had a few extra minutes to tell her the key to hitting the volleyball in place. Daniel sighed as he went to his car after packing up the papers that the students handed in the period before for a reflection.
As he arrived to his home, he was greeted by a painful shot through his back bone as he closed the front door. He immediately sat on the sofa as he groaned in pain and reached out for his pills that he took, and drank water from his water bottle. He sighed as he lied down on the huge soft coach as he waited for the medicine to work and ease his pain. Soon after the pain went away gradually as he stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.
The next hour he spent marking the students reflection giving a grade.
The hour after, he decided to write more lyrics for songs he was going to post in the weekends, also noting that it was a Friday.
A week without Zach was tough, he barely texted due to the time-zones that honestly suck. But thankfully, he was coming back today at night. Daniel smiled to himself as he wrote song lyrics and planned out a tune for the song. It was named "You Make My Dreams". As he hummed along, he decided to stand up and have a stretch as he felt the same pain but in his waist and shoulder. Instead of listening and following the prescription receipt which strictly said "One pill in a span of 8 hours", he took his second. The next 30 minutes passed, making dinner and eating, as he took another, his pain suddenly growing in his back bones again.
As Daniel went to the restroom after taking the pill, dizziness took over, as he stumbled on his way to the toilet. At last blurriness took over his whole vision as the room turned hazier, dark and soon pitch black as Daniel's heart stopped. A heart attack. He fell onto the floor as he turned unconscious in a split second.

Around a minute later, Zach had finally arrived back to their house as he opened the door, smiling.
"Hey babe!" He yells but no response.
"Is he still not home? No that's crazy it's already 8." Zach mumbles to himself as he puts down his suitcase and hangs up his coat. He heads to the bathroom humming a song but he stops when he sees Daniel's unconscious, lifeless body on the floor. He freezes for a few seconds before seeing those pills on the sink.
"Oh my goodness, Daniel!" He shouts as he kneels down to the blondes body. Daniel's face was pale, lips slightly parted, eyes scrunched close.
"Daniel this is not a joke!" Zach chokes as tears escape his eyes, panicking as he put his index and middle finger on Daniel's wrist. Very slow pulse
"No no no!" Zach yells in panic as his trembling fingers quickly dials 911.
"This is 911 what is your emergency?" A female voice answers as Zach pants out.
"M-my boyfriend's on the floor and he barely has a freaking pulse!"
He quickly adds, as tears trickle down his cheeks.
"Please come quickly!"
"Sir please calm down and tell me your home address." The lady said calmly as Zach replied, spitting in anger.
"You think I can fucking calm down!?"
The female voice quickly apologized.
"I am very sorry, but in order to help your boyfriend we need your address."
"It's Los Angeles, Beverly Hills..." Zach went on until the woman replied.
"The ambulance will be there in a few minutes. Please hang on." The lady said as Zach heard some computer keys being pressed.
More tears trickled down Zach's cheeks as it reached to Daniel's breathless body.

Just as the lady said, the ambulance arrived just in a few minutes, but the minutes could make a big difference. As the medics took Daniel's body, Zach followed as he was carried on a gurney.
One of the male medics asked Zach who he was.
"I'm Daniel's boyfriend." He replied, choking out tears. He was allowed on the ambulance with Daniel. As the ambulance drove to the hospital, everyone stayed quiet as the medics quickly put on heart beat monitor pads onto Daniel's chest, along with a couple more to get clear what kind of situation Daniel was at.

The ambulance arrived as Zach was forced away from Daniel to get to the emergency room as Zach protested, but got carried away until Daniel's body was wheeled into a emergency hospitalization room. The nurses told Zach which room he was in as he quickly moved there, grabbing his jacket. He wasn't allowed in the room yet, but in an hour he was allowed only for a few minutes due to Daniels unstable condition.
Zach had already called Daniel's parents but they were back in Portland so they would take the quickest plane, but it would take a few hours.
"Mr. Herron, you may enter but we will have you to go out in a few minutes due to Mr Seavey's condition." The doctor said as he walked out with a couple more nurses.
Zach walked in the room as his bloodshot eyes trailed Daniel's whole body, looking almost dead. His heartbeat was incredibly slow.
"Daniel, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for the last week to support you. I'm such a horrible boyfriend."
Zach sniffled as he looked at Daniel's breathing tube attached to his nose.
"I should've been there for you babe."
With the words babe, the heartbeat monitor sent a signal, no one wanted.
A flat line, and the continuous tone of a loud beep.

∆ 969 words ∆
A/n: Just as I finished writing this, Chills came in my playlist and I got chills 🥶.
And see what I did there- 969 words ;)
Told y'all you'll hate me for this chapter :/ .

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