Why are so many diseases in the world ?

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*Our thoughts are vibration which are swimming in the Universe

I think you already know, that we are magnets, and our thoughts can become real. So, remembering that fact, that we are magnets, why think about bad things, diseases and etc.
Can u answer in this question:
Why are so many diseases in the world? Why is can*er   so spread in our days? What do u think, why ?
Now all people are scared of those diseases, all people think about what to don't do, what to don't eat, what to don't use for not having those diseases. Nowadays, everywhere u can listen about can*er or other "new" diseases.
So let's release, what will happen in this case?: '80% of people's  thinking about those diseases+fact, that we are magnets '. The answer is this: We will attract more and more those bad things, we will attract more and more those stupid  diseases!
Just release, if in the whole world people think about those bad diseases, what will happen ? All that vibration, all that energy  we send to the Universe and the Universe send it to us ! And for that fear, for that bad thoughts there are many diseases in the world and many people die from that.
Please, let's not be scared, maybe  you are one of those people, who  are scared from  those diseases (especially from can*er), you can calm down, all is great and will be great.
We creat our reality with our thoughts. No thoughts about diseases 👉no diseases
We should not think about those diseases,  and try to  ignore them! We should win ! We should be optimistic!
Stay away from people, who think about diseases who are scared of them, who always watch sad news and share them with u.Or u can try to explain them the same as I want to  explain  u . Don't listen to radio, or watch  TV where people talk about those diseases, be different and optimistic.
As in the same method we can think about other things, that for people are impossible.
As for me, if all people in the world will think and believe, that they will know what is this life and who is the creator, then it will become true, cause we will send our thoughts , our vibration to the Universe, and LOA will work for us, no against us. I think, that we don't know why we are here, and what is this life, because of all people's thinking. Many people think that it's impossible to know, and that that can know only person, who's brain works 100% only.
In fact, we think like that, and we send that to the Universe, and that becomes real and so we can not now what is this life.
The same I can say about travel in the Universe. Again as for me, if all people will believe that we can travel in space and see aliens, then we will do that, sure.
People think about wars, about illness, about the end of the world, about global warming... So they attract that, and for their thoughts, we have  many problems.
If ≈ 80 of people think negative, they send that all vibration to the Universe, that vibration spreads on the whole Universe, in each corner of the Universe.
You are one part  of our stories, your thoughts can change the world, change your thoughts and say to everyone to be like u, optimistic, for destroy those wars and diseases

I believe in you, you can help the Universe and the world

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