Inspiration quotes :)

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Hellooo! In this chapter (if I even can call this chapter 😂) I wanna share with you my quotes ;)so yeah, let's go
*There is so much mind controlling around me, that sometimes it's even unbelievable to do what I want and enjoy my life
*If u don't pay attention to karma, then know that ur life can be destroyed
*Let rain come and take your bad mood'
*If u aren't interested in the Universe, then u aren't interested in yourself
*Saying the Universe I understand three things: best friend, family and lover
*Interesting is life or not, depends only from ur actions
*Realism is my biggest enemy
*Make urself beautiful with ur thoughts
*Our thoughts are vibration which are swimming in the Universe
*Look at the butterflies and release how rich we are
*There isn't smth that hasn't meaning . Even pen can change feit
*If you think that something is impossible in your life, then you never can do what is possible
*Let your thinking be like the Universe, infinitely
*The most common virus in the world is bad though of person which can enter from one person to another
*Pencil is your life, and sharpener is your thoughts . Now you can brake or give life to your pencil
*If I become crazy, know that smth is wrong
*Ways which will take us to fails or success, are only in out minds
*Bad moments will go from your life in that time, when u will accept that they will go and believe in that
*Have you ever noticed what speciality have trees ? Watch them, and you will notice that only some trees fall down , but others stay and don't give up ever. Try to be like them, who don't give up. Even nature understands success's principals
*We all look like injuries. Some are opened and accept bad vibrations around of them letting them destroy theirs life, and some, understanding it, are closed and safe from those microbes . So now it's your decision to be one of them
*If you don't want to meet cactuses in your way, then don't sow them
*Humanity, understand, that your best friend is the Universe
*If you think that there is word failure, then know that it's only in your mind
*Choke bad thoughts while they don't choke you
*If u don't want ice to broke and take u to fall, then pay attention to your steps
*Believe in urself, how u believe that the Earth has only 1 moon
*Our thoughts are the strongest thing in this world. They are too strong that can kill or give you the best life
*In life,'cosy' moments come in 'problmes's ' ways
*Imagine, that you have wings and can go to whatever dream that u have
*Look at old people and understand how golden is this moment
*In the darkness, only belief will lite the way to find your dream
*Like each galaxy, person is also unique. Even in thousands of galaxies, two galaxies cannot be found together, and the same applies to people.
And in the depths of each person there are thousands of shining stars and amazing features that simply need to be discovered, as in any galaxy
*I don't know who is the best friend of the Universe, but mine is the Universe
*Difficulties don't appear only for make you stronger, also, they appear to show u appreciate good things. Like after eating anything very salty, u appreciate water which you drink
*U can't change time for now, so only remembering it, live in the moment
That's it guys, I have another quotes too, only I need to translate them into English yet :) I hope u liked my quotes, thank u. Again, sorry for possibly mistakes :) bye~~ for no~w
Be happy, enjoy life ;)

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