Tarabiscoville Massacre

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Meanwhile at the roof of Museum, Thantos appeared who teleported from his world

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Meanwhile at the roof of Museum, Thantos appeared who teleported from his world. He uses his powers to summon portals so his minions can go this location.

Thantos: Everything is now ready. Soon... this world will be mine and the people shall become my servants. The one who refuses to shall perish. Hahaha. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

His laughing voice echoed as the Demonic Army have appeared from the portals.

Thantos: Now... my minions, set everything into fire and capture the every people you find. One refuses to surrender shall die. Now. Demonic Army. SEIZE!!! *slams his scythe on the ground*

As Thantos commanded, the Demonic Army began to attack the city. Their loud warcry woke everyone up as they come out from their homes to check where the noise came from.

Man: Ugh... what the heck is going on out the-

Sooner, the man along with the others, saw the Demonic Army with weapons charging towards them. They immediately felt threatened.

Man: Uh... everyone, I think we got a problem here!

Some catapults fired their boulders on their buuldings with the ground shaking. Everyone screamed in horror and began to run for their lives.

Man: Oh my- They're... they're ATTACKING US!! RUN!!!!!

Some threw their spears towards them to slow them down but most of them missed the shot.

Demonic Guard: Don't let them get AWAY!!

A Demonic Guard jumped high in front of some family, blocking them to get them surrounded. They turn back but behind them are also blocked by the other demons.

Woman: Please... PLEASE!! DON'T KILL US!!!

Boy: I don't wanna die, Mom! I don't want to!

Demonic Guard: Your lives will be spared if you surrender.

The other residents being captured by the demons reluctantly surrendered, not risking to lose their lives.

(At the PJ Masks Headquarters)

PJ Robot checked the security footage to see if there's something wrong. To their horror, it shows the other people are being attacked by the Demonic Army and the town is in under siege.

Armadylan: *gasps* Oh no, our town is in danger too!

(Scene skips at the town with everything in fire)


A demon stabbed him with a sword and immediately bleeds out.

Cameron: AAAHHHH!!!! This is a nightmare!

Marie: Cameron, please! You're not drea-

Her sentence cut when something metal stabbed her.

Marie: AAAHHHHH!!!

Cameron: NOOOO!!!

She collapses on the ground, feeling a strong pain from her serious wound by the thrown sword to her.

Marie: Uuuggghhhh... Cameron.... help..... OW! Uuuggghhhh....

She gave his brother a weak smile before losing her consciousness. Cameron had to carry his sister. He couldn't leave her behind.

Cameron: No no no! You can't die! Hang on there, Marie.

(Scene skips)

The trio demons surrounded the man and some children.

Teacher: Please... what do you want from us? We don't want trouble.

Kraggler: I will only say to surrender and we'll allow you to live. But if you do not, you know what happens.

Girl: Teacher, please! We don't want to get captured like this.

Teacher: Children, I know you hate this, but I think it's too risky not to surrender. We have no choice.

They sigh in defeat and put their hands up as the Demonic Guards point their weapons at them.

Kraggler: Take them away.

(Scene skips at Thantos watching the town burn)

Thantos: Versago.

Versago went to his boss of calling out his name.

Versago: Yes, my Lord?

Thantos: Find this armadillo boy and take him to my dungeon. He must also suffer with that Owl-girl, Lizard-boy and the Dragon Girl.

Versago: Yes, sir.

Thantos: You know now what he looks like. When you find him, capture him, do not let him escape and defeat you.

Versago: Yes, my Lord. I will also take some of our men with me for assistance.

Thantos nods as Versago left to find Armadylan.

Thantos: This will soon be look like an another planet.

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