2 | In the Hangar

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Square Filled: Training

Warnings: Light Swearing

Words: 4193

Summary: There were more instances like these when their body proximity was bordering on questioning and head-butting, legs flying and swinging, face scrutinized, with a light sheen of sweat decorating their bare skin, clothes soaked in bodily fluids, and Wilson swore his lip throbbed at a sudden numbness but damn Barnes looked damn good looking at him like that and it's getting hard to breathe when they've been doing this for- What? Two hours?


There's an empty gym in the Avengers compound that stood in its lonesome on the vast field of a property this non-profit organization owns-it stood at a great height you wouldn't be able to see the beams, and even then the wide skylight is lighting up the uneven floor; the hanging lights doubles as trapeze and the beams above was an obstacle course on its own; enough of that, the first uneven floor was full of weights, the second uneven floor was a treadmill course designed by the Avengers members to their weaknesses, and the third uneven floor was all mat and nothing else; the only entrance was the double doors ( if you call the skylight an exit, you're a flyer ) and the east wing was a climbing wall full with different sized rocks and incredulous edges and turns, and the opposite wall was floor to ceiling mirror windows, showing the expanse and great distance of the field from the Avengers house. In all of this space you'd think it would be the most used, but no-the Avengers never dared to take it away from the few who sported in it, and even then the ones who do never really exercise or train much.

These people's definition of exercise and train were different from the rest of them.

Steve Rogers's definition was: to eat as much as his metabolism is and to take on the punching bag as if he were to wake up and couldn't go back to sleep.

Natasha Romanoff's idea of train and exercise was: to read, a lot, especially people; there's this certain tree in the woods where one would bring their rifle or handgun and fired at the same spot over and over again in different angles, distances, and positions until it has cleaned out a hole in the trunk.

Bucky Barnes's definition was scrutinized, nonetheless: to rest one's mind, meaning, slack off as one can until someone asks to spar with you-only then one is exercised right after.

Sam Wilson's definition: to run the distance between these distances at four in the morning for an hour, then to lift weights and bench press against an ungodly height on the climbing wall.

Wilson's definition seems more like training and exercise than three super-soldiers, and they have the right to question the only people who frequent the far away gym. Tony Stark has always wanted to create that space into some other useful thing, but even then, everyone agreed it was fun to bet on who would pin who first: Natasha or Barnes? Rogers isn't happy with the fact they don't bet on him, but there was a time that Rogers and Barnes sparred and Rogers barely even hit him ( Barnes annoyed him so much that Rogers cussed him out ). Wilson is still no-nonsense with his training, and Natasha spars with him; Stark doesn't want to ruin Natasha's fun.

Two years later, Wilson's sparring partner is leaving for some bullshitted vacation; Natasha sat him down and told him, "-I've accumulated so many vacation days that Tony won't stop pestering me. I'll be gone for five years at the most. Don't miss me too much."

"This about which?" Wilson had asked, his voice was so low and soft that Natasha almost backed away. They were in her room, only trusting Wilson to enter it unprompted with a few quiet people who wouldn't take her trust as points.

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