36| grateful

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Monday rolled around again, and the students found themselves back in the drama room, chatting animatedly with each other. Kayla found herself sitting next to Noah, their fingers brushing each other's ever so slightly.

Kayla felt so comfortable around him, especially since their first date. She liked how her heart sped up every time she saw him walk into a room or how her stomach fluttered when he grinned at her. She looked over at her friends.

Bryson sat with Tove who was talking, the former listening attentively, eyes glued to her face. Next to them were Monica and Kai glued to each other. They were commenced in their usual banter.

Jennifer sat in front of Juan who reached over to touch her hair only to be smacked right in the arm by the former. He playfully pouted and opted for wrapping his arms around Jennifer for a hug instead.

She didn't resist.

Kayla thought about how far they'd come. Of course there was still a handful of time before they graduated but she was glad that she had made such wonderful friends. Friends that were willing to help each other and friends that loved to have fun with each other.

At the beginning of the year, they were just strangers in a drama class, assigned to a project, but now they were friends and some had romantic bonds with each other. Kayla smiled without realising it, making Noah smile and look at her questioningly.

"Uh- Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"Remember when all of us just met?" She asked, looking at him.

He smiled too. "Yeah. We're a lot closer now I guess."

Kayla nodded as Mrs Oprah walked in with her colourful clothing and shoes, her jet black hair, and pink-coated smile. "So, I am proud to say that all of the groups have completed their work."

All the students silenced immediately as she continued her speech. "We will be viewing all of them today. I have not mentioned this earlier - but the best team that produced the best movie will receive a gift. I didn't mention it on the first day to observe if all of you were able to complete your projects, knowing that you wouldn't be getting anything extra." She smiled wider. "All of you have done well, so now let's watch the first movie, titled 'Spilling Hearts'."

At the familiar title, Kayla's eyes locked with Noah's brown ones. As the lights dimmed, and as the projector lit up the white wall of the stage, the audience's attention was borrowed. With a strong feeling of nostalgia, Kayla leaned back against the red chair, her fingers finding Noah's hand and squeezing it as the film began rolling.


Tove couldn't believe that the movie was going to be displayed. Of course, she wanted people to recognise the hard work her and her teammates had put into it, but did it have to be the first movie they were going to watch?

She began feeling queasy, her heart speeding up like crazy as the filmed played, her character showing up on screen all businesslike, confident, and strong. She could not help but to look around at everyone's reactions, trying to catch their face expressions.

To her surprise, a warm hand clasped around her shoulder.

From the feeling of herself calming immediately, even before she looked, she knew it was him. She felt herself being drawn to the perpetrator's blue eyes and Bryson smiled at her, trying to ease her nerves, though she could see the traces of his own on his face.

She reached to squeeze his hand that was on her shoulder, returning the feeling of reassurance that he provided to her. At that moment, she couldn't have been more happy to have met him through this project.


Monica knew she wasn't good at showing her affection. She'd like to think that she was better at providing tough love more than anything else. She appreciated the people that were around her, those that were there for her even when she had no idea how to prepare herself for a fucking date.

All she knew were insults and some small loving gestures she barely knew when to execute. A lot of those things were foreign to her. However, when she looked over at Kai, who was immersed in the film, she couldn't help but feel happy that she had him.

He knew her personality and was still willing to give their relationship a try. And she was so fucking glad for it. To have him. To have her friends. She leaned her head against his shoulder, a gesture she'd done many times before, yet she hoped she'd executed it at the right moment.

She knew she did when Kai's warm arm looped over her shoulder, his warm hand giving her shoulder a squeeze. She was happy where her life was at at the moment. With the company she enjoyed being around and the happy thought of Castor recovering, no matter how many fucking times she thought about how she was at the happiest point of her life, it would not be enough to describe it perfectly.


To say that Juan was living in his dream was a fucking understatement. He remembered shamelessly pining over Jennifer, a girl that he believed that he could never get but he tried anyway. He was a lot more mature now, he thought, so instead of being a gloomy piece of shit, he should have tried harder until he won over her heart.

Giving up did help him, though.

A life lesson, he'd learned. All jokes aside, he was ecstatic. With his arms around Jennifer, his chin resting atop her head, the affection he felt for her was hard to put into words.

All his flirtatious attitude directed at Jennifer, and only Jennifer, was all real and genuine. Call him an idiot, but when he talked to her for the first time, he knew he had already developed feelings for her.

He acted upon them immediately - shamelessly too. He frankly didn't give a fuck at the beginning of relentlessly teasing her but towards the football game, with the stress of it mixed with his doubts, everything just went fucking downhill.

Unbeknownst to him, she had feelings for him too, and when she confessed to him, he almost wanted to punch himself in the face to see if it was a dream. He didn't do that, though, to assure that his gorgeous facial features were still aligned perfectly and in a way that made him attractive.

Jennifer leaned into the hug (or it could be his imagination) and he squeezed her with his arms as an affectionate reply.

With that, he was fucking grateful to have Jennifer and his amazing friends in a part of his life.


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