Chapter 3

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We stayed the entire morning, before we remembered we had to get back in time for the feast. It was a huge celebration in honor of the war ending.

When we finally arrived back at the House of Wind, I found Mor yelling at Cassian. It was a normal thing, and we usually bet on who would win.

Arysin and I decided to break the news to everyone at the feast that afternoon. I bid Arysin goodbye, and went around to find Avia so we could go for a walk around the bustling city. I finally found her talking to Amren in the living room.

I popped my head in, "Hey Amren, would you mind if I stole Avia for lunch?"

She looked up, her short black hair framed her beautiful silver eyes perfectly. She looked from Avia to me be from she shrugged.

"I was going to join Mor in fighting with Cassian anyway."

I heard Avia laughed as she turned around it face me, "You ready to go?"

I shook my head, I wanted to change into pants. Avia was quick to respond, "Me too, lets get casual clothing on."

We winnowed to the House of Stars, where both our families stayed when we were here. We quickly separated to change. I found my favorite sweater, black pants, and knee high boots. This was my idea of casual.

I found Avia waiting waiting by the foyer in a shirt, and pant that reminded me of Amren. They hung low on her waist, and billowed out. Her shirt was short and showed her impressive muscular torso. Even I didn't have that good of abs.

We left the townhouse in hopes of going to Rita's, our favorite place by far. Unfortunately, we decided it would be better if we weren't drunk for the feast.

We wandered the street casually saying hi to distant friends.

I owned a small manor in Day Court, but I spent most of my adult life here. Avia also did, even when her parents spent most of their time in Night Court's capital.

After awhile, Avia fell quiet. It was very unlike her.

'Are you alright?" I asked, concern showed true.

"I know you accepted Arysin."

"Well, why are you.... like this?" I gestured to her face.

    She burrowed her hands in pockets I didn't even know she had. "I don't want to be the only person who doesn't have a mate." She said quietly.

    "I wouldn't be surprised if you found your soon."

    She looked a little hopeful, but continued to face her head down. I didn't say anything as we found our way to the Sidra. It's green-blue waters swirled beautifully.

    "Do you think, "She started, " that Azriel likes me?"

     I didn't reply for a while. I knew the answer, but I didn't want to crush her hopes, so finally decided on an answer.

    "What do you think?"

    "He's still in love with Mor, I know. I just wanted to get your opinion."

    I gave her a guilty look. We stared at the Sidra awhile longer, before she pulled me into a shop full of trinkets.

    I looked around as she searched for a gift for Amren. She still had not gotten all the gifts for her, for the feast. I, one the other hand, had gotten all the gifts for everyone a month ago.

     She paid for silver brackets that were the same shade as Amren's eyes. She would love them.

    We wandered around the city until it was around 2:00. The feast was in an hour. We headed over to the House of Stars, before she departed to go to the House of Wind.

    As I climbed the staircase to my room, Minerva found me.

    "Hurry, hurry. Your look could take longer than we have." She cried.

    I let her do what she needed to do, she made me take a quick bath, before putting my hair up in an intricate braid that curled around my head and down to the nape of my neck. She placed gold flakes across my hair, that made the red and blonde stand out.

    My gown had a plunging neckline that showed of my torso. It was creamy gold, and hung loosely at my hips. Gold colored fabric started at the bottom of the gown, and faded around my hips. It was very flown and light, perfect for this afternoon. Since it was a hot summer afternoon, it was held up by a gold strap.

After, she placed some gold flakes around my shoulders for effect, and my eyes to show the green.

She placed me in a high heels that were gold, of course. They made me at least three inches taller.

When she was finished with me, I looked absolutely stunning.

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