chapter 83: heartfelt confessions

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Jungkook stared at Jieun like she had done something terribly wrong.

On the other hand, Jieun felt like she had done the right thing. She wasn't able to be straightforward with her feelings all this while and had always left Jungkook to be the first one to do so. Because of that, she had always felt bad, and decided that she was going to make an effort to be more direct, to express herself better, to show Jungkook that his feelings for her were reciprocated as well.

But the surprise kiss came as a surprise to her too.

He just looked beautiful under the moonlight, in front of the gorgeous backdrop of a billion stars. Maybe the weather was just right, maybe the situation was just right, maybe Jieun was just overwhelmed with emotions upon finally seeing him after two days. But then and there, she felt like that was the right thing to do, and she did it.

"I did it," Jieun whispered to herself, letting out a small chuckle. "I finally did it first."

🎧 Written In The Stars - John Legend & Wendy 🎧

Jungkook was still staring at her like she just done a crime. He was looked so surprised that it seemed like all the alcohol in his blood had evaporated in an instant.

"What did you just-" Jungkook muttered, his eyes widened as his fingers brushed against the spot where Jieun had just planted a kiss. "Why did you just-"

"Because I felt like it," Jieun said with a wide smile as she rested her chin on her palm and leaned forward to meet Jungkook in the middle.

Jungkook stared back at her, looking utterly confused and surprised at her directness.

"I just wanted to tell you that while I was here in Amsterdam, these few days..." Jieun pursed her lips. "I've done a lot of thinking. I thought about how we met, what we've been through together, my feelings for you, everything that you said, our relationship and so much more. My mind has been on a constant marathon these past few days... but I honestly wasn't able to wrap up my thoughts and come to a conclusion... until I saw you just a few hours ago."

Jungkook was still too stunned to say a thing.

"These past few years together... we've been through quite a lot together, haven't we?" Jieun chuckled softly as she turned her head to look up into the sky. "We've been through good times and bad times; we've seen each other at our bests and our worsts and quite frankly, we've grown a lot together. The Jieun you first met on the bus was a shy girl with self-esteem issues... but now I've grown into someone different. Someone who has confidence in what I do, despite having self-doubts now and then, but you are always there to tell me that I am not just good enough - I am good."

Jungkook nodded slowly, starting to process what had just happened.

"And you have changed too, Jungkook-ah." Jieun smiled sweetly at Jungkook. "The Jungkook I first met on the bus was young and reckless, a man who acted however he liked, not caring about what others thought of him. But over the years, you have matured, you have learnt how to consider other people's feelings, you have become someone I have learnt to rely on. Thank you, Jungkook-ah, for being there for me through the years."

Jungkook smiled, looking a little unsure of where this was going.

"I like you, I think I've said this before." Jieun continued, her cheeks stained with pink. "I realised this a while ago, that I like you so much that every moment spent with you, feels like a dream. I've become so accustomed to having you in my life that I almost forgot how life used to be without you."

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