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Unknown pov:

Me and my twin sister Taylor and best friend Sabine were in my workshop working on a big project we are calling it project fleet trainer. It's a holographic simulator Sabine and Taylor are installing right now while I put the finishing touches on our custom warship designs and fighters and bombers. We even have blueprints for all the vehicles. I finish that when my sister and Sabine come in. I ask if everything is done.

Sabine's pov:

We get to Tyamphic's workshop to see if he's ready to test the fleet trainer. He asks if everything is ready. I said they are when a clan nova warrior comes and tells us to go to the throne room. We told him we will then we see Tyamphic pull a data disk from the computer terminal he was using and said let's go.

Countess nova's pov:

I was waiting for the kids to get here as I had some news to tell them. When I see them walk in they bow to me and Taylor and Tyamphic ask what I want. Well i have some news for you, we have a few family members coming over as well as two high ranking imperial navy officers coming over.

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