Meeting Thrawn and Tarkin

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Thrawn's pov:

I look at Tarkin to see what his reaction was while we wait for the emperor and his sister and brother-in-law. His face is unreadable. I look at the three kids and see that they each have a tablet and are at a hidden diagnostic screen. I get curious and walk over and ask them what they are doing.

Tyamphic's pov:

Me Sabine and Taylor are checking the sim after it's first proper test when the red eyed officer comes over and asks what we are doing. So I tell him when a strange thing pops up on my tablet screen so I ask Rose what it was and she insistently contains it and fixes the problem. I looked up to see my parents and uncle come down from the control room. I look up and see them coming down so I pull up the results and well my uncle was really impressed.

The emperor's pov:

I had Thrawn and Tarkin introduce themselves and asked Tyamphic to show me the blueprints and a detailed description of the armament shielding carrying capacity and speeds.

Timeskip 5 years

Tyamphic's pov:

Me, Sabine and Taylor and Sara leave in a few days to the academy on Mandalore before we leave. There's one more thing I have to do and that's asking Sabine to be my girlfriend.

Sabine's pov:

I'm so happy right now my crush just asked me to be his girlfriend. But I'm also starting to become a little suspicious of my sister. So Me, Tyamphic and Taylor along with the emperor hatch a plan involving Taylor where the emperor puts a strong mental barrier on Taylor and should Sara plan to leave the academy she goes with her.          

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