character age and weapons and vehicles

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Tyamphic nova age 15 preferred weapons blaster and proto light glock and proto light AR 200 assault rifle.   

 Taylor nova age 15 preferred weapons blaster and proto light glock and proto light AR 20 sniper undercover stander  westar 35 blaster pistol and rifle.  

Sabine wren age 15  preferred weapons blaster and proto light glock and costume proto light AR 200 assault rifle.  

Sara wren age 15 preferred weapons westar 35 blaster pistol.  


Proto light                 Blaster 

Glock                           glock

Ar 200 assault rifle  AR 200 assault rifle

Ar 20 sniper               Ar 20 sniper


Tanks recon/ troop transport rhinos subtype

Light devastator apc elephant mega rhino

Medium agresser guntruck eagle command truck

Heavy annihilator troop trucks rhinos rhino medic

Star fighter

Intercepter guardian

Strike magnitude

Bomber hellbringer

Spec ops


highlighted= prototype design

Crystal Class Gunship

Defender class Corvette

Katana Class Frigate

Savior Class Destroyer

Shadow Class cruiser

Shock Class battlecruiser

Spector Class battleship

Earth Class carrier

Protector Class battle carrier

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