The protector and wedding preparation

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Taylor's pov:

I was on the corvette bridge with my brother and Sabine and we were about to drop out of hyperspace at the specter anchorage. 5 seconds later we did and I got my first look at the fleet I helped build in all its glory. When we docked and transferred to the protector i was blown away it was just as I hoped it was then we got to the deck for the officer's and stopped in front of a symbolized door it had two symbols on it one was a Quantum singe and the other was what i choose for my fleet.

Tyamphic's pov:

We got to Taylor's room. Hey Taylor here's your quarters go get changed into your uniform and you guns are in the locker next to your closet and armor stands one has your specter armor on it as well. Me and Sabine will meet you here after we change as well and your ranks are already on your uniforms so don't worry about mixing them up. After she goes in me and Sabine enter our room and change into the specter uniform's as both clan nova and clan wren minus Sara knew of the specter fleet's uniforms and grabbed our proto light and blaster glock's and went out to wait for Taylor.

Taylor's pov:

I went into my room and looked around and saw the weapons locker and went over to put my three blasters away and went to the armor stand's to put away my armor. Then I changed into the red and black uniform and put the two glock's in the holsters. Then went to meet Ty and Sabine. When I got out they were waiting so we headed to the bridged and i was in awe of how organized it was we went to the command table and ty opened a fleet wide com and introduced me to the fleet captains and admirals.

Tyamphic's pov:

I got done telling the fleet that Taylor was now in command as well. Then I sent Shadow and Brutice to pick up my uncle and the person he is bringing with him and I have the Phantom, Quantum and Protector all jump to Mandalore. I looked at Taylor and Sabine and asked if they wanted to go and catch up for the 8 hour jump or try to get some sleep. Taylor said she wanted to get some sleep and Sabine said the same. Okay well let's head to the room but first Sapphire you have the bridge and wake us at about 2 hours before we arrive or if we have any trouble or are attacked.

Sapphire's pov:

Okay sir. Then I looked at the bridge crew and ordered a status report. I got it and so far everything is going fine so I sat down and just waited. For the jump to end.

Tyamphic's pov:

Me and Sabine were just laying down and Sabine had her head on my chest and was relaxing. Hey bine, are you ready for the wedding because I'm a little nervous and excited for it. She looks at me and then says that she is ready. I kiss her and pull her closer and fall asleep.

6 hours later

Tyamphic's pov:

We are 2 hours out from Mandalore and me, Sabine and Taylor walk on to the bridge. Sapphire what's our status? All green sir. Good well let's hope it stays that way. Also sir there is a message from the emperor for you three. Okay let's hear it. (specter fleet this is a priority transmission for grand specter Tyamphic and vice specter's Taylor and Sabine the rebels know of your fleet and a deffecter has taken a interdictor cruiser so be ready they may try to attack you guys it doesn't look like they know of you anchorage but be ready for anything.) Okay sound the alarms and bring up the shields and bring the fleet to readiness level 2 we will not be caught off guard. SIR something is trying to pull us out of hyperspace. All hand brace yourselves and fighters be ready to take off as soon as we give the green light. WE ARE GOING TO LEVEL 1 AS SOON AS WE ARE OUT WE WILL TARGET BUT NOT FIRE I WANT TO SEE WHO HAS BETRAYED US ALSO WARM UP OUR GRAV WELLS DROP US NOW.

Rebel fleet admiral pov:

Let's see what we have caught. The biggest fleet I have ever seen was pulled out and had three huge ships in the middle. And they didn't look surprised at all they looked mad

Tyamphic's pov:

Fighters you have the green light but stay with the fleet. Coms get me a transmission to the enemy no scratch that they have delayed mine and Sabine's wedding all ships weapons free annihilate them fighters and bombers pick your target and attack at will. Coms get me the Phantom and Quantum. I want them and us to take out the interdictor and their flagship.

Sir they have acknowledged and are in position to, tell them to fire and then fire at will. Sir the enemy is retreating. Activate the gravity wells no one is to leave. Call back the starfighters and tell Quantum and Phantom to get into formation delta 1 and charge the proto beam canons.

Rebel fleet admiral pov:

All that's left is my flagship and two cruisers and the interdictor. Sir the enemy fleet is rearranging the three mega ship's are coming to the front. SIR massive energy spike detected from the three ships. SIR they are firing. I look up to see four massive beams of pure light.

Sabine's pov:

I was mad that these rebel's tried to ruin my day. I was supposed to go for a dress fitting today and I'm now running late. Daisy send my mother a message telling her we are running late. Okay ma'am i have sent it. Good now that the enemy fleet has been disintegrated we can jump again. Yes dear I hear Tyamphic say.

2 hours later

Tyamphic's pov:

After we got to Mandalore I called the Devastation, Artist and, Sharp shot to Mandalore so me and Sabine can take one to Naboo for a week. After that we will Start tormenting the rebel's. We waited for the Shadow and Brutice to arrive before we headed down to clan nova's stronghold. When we got there we were greeted by our parents. We went inside and got ready to go out to get Sabine a dress and me a suit. We had everything else ready just had to get those and we could have the wedding. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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