The Ceremony

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     Garron's mouth twisted into a version of a grin.

     To anyone else, it would seem that he was overjoyed at the decision. But if one looked closely, they would begin to see things that didn't match up with their previous sentiment. His carefree grin became haunting as soon as you noticed how his eyes seemed numb and cold. The edges of his mouth curled upwards like they were coiled up snakes ready to strike. When he flashed his teeth, you couldn't help but feel like prey.

    Garron felt like in that moment he could rule the world. He was positive that if someone would give him the chance to do so, he could do it as easily as breathing. But that was besides the point. He just been taken in by a prevalent family that obvious had a lot of sway in this world. Victory over the imbeciles felt sweeter than any treat he had ever tried. He wanted more. He looked at the people adopting him and made it his sole purpose to exceed their expectations. He'd always been good at that, but being able to smile prettily and being able to control it all with an iron fist were two very different things. Looking at Narcissa's cold stature, Garron felt a small burst of warmth come from somewhere deep inside him. Excitement. For the first time in his life and for the third time that day, Garron Darce (he supposed his last name should be Potter, but it would change soon anyways, so what did he care) was excited about his life. He had magic, he wasn't alone, and he had an entire world at his fingertips. There was something under his skin that ached to reach out and breathe the air around him. Garron ached with it.

    The goblin nodded his head before the family in acquiescence, leaving to gather what was needed for the ritual. Garron could feel Lucius's eyes on him. The boy refused to acknowledge it though, he needed to plan all of his moves ten - twenty steps ahead. This was a chess game, and he couldn't afford to be put in check.

    He took stock of what was in front of him. Each of these people fit into their allotted place in his chess game. Draco was a rook, almost useless but had the pull enough to be useful when used right. Narcissa was a bishop, she could manipulate the board in multiple directions but had limitations. If not played correctly, she could give up the king within five moves. And then there was Lucius. As of right now, Lucius was his Queen. Crucial, life saving, and able to knock down enemies left and right. Without a Queen the board and game were forfeit. It would not do well to lose one's Queen so early. Garron would need to play into Lucius' good side, he would show the man that he could be a proper heir more than his own son. He would make himself invaluable.

    The goblin came in again, this time surrounded by more of his kind, as well as a wizard. The man's hair was a ball of pure fire but his face was boyish and his frame was lanky enough to dispel any thought of intimidation. Garron wondered what they needed him for. He was curious more than concerned really. The band of people and creatures moved towards him in an efficient manner, mumbling to each other - a quiet murmur humming into existence. Meanwhile, Lucius and Narcissa flanked Garron with Draco standing at his rear. They became a wall of impenetrable ice, cool, demeaning. Every single stare was an defense of their power and their reign. Even Draco, as young as he was, turned into the perfect pureblooded heir with an imperceptible shift in his posture. Crimson flames flickered into existence and the air crackled around where it formed along the high stone walls. Ancient tapestries hung from nothing and their contents moved every so often if one kept their eye fixed upon them. Large and imposing granite doors barricaded the only entrance into the large ritual room where they had been situated. The ceiling was high enough that it appeared to fade into nothingness, giving no hint of just stopping at a point. With each step closer, the floor made a loud resounding click of shoes on marble.

    The redhead spoke, his voice deeper than Garron felt it should be, "Does the child's magical guardian knowingly and of their own will consent to these proceedings?"

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