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Lucky_clover has created a group chat!
Lucky_clover has invited EmmaWoodpecker, Seerboy, Boom!, MagnetFreak, WhineAndBooze, and more
The chat is now online

Lucky_clover: I figured it out!

Boom!: oh? You created the group chat after all. That's great Lucky!

Seerboy: why exactly do we have a groupchat? We all could simply go to a room and talk there

WhineAndBooze: yes but some of us aren't as social in real life. Aesop for example, he has social anxiety

Coffins_And_Death: yes.. I prefer texting over talking with others. I do apologize about that

EmmaWoodpecker:its all fine Aesop, we understand

BottomNaib: okay but can we just talk about our names? I'm not okay with mine

Lucky_clover: wait that's what it was for? I thought only I could see them!

CapnHook: no, we all can see them Lucky. And why must I have the name of my "S tier" Clothes?

Lucky_clover: I'm sorry! I didn't have anything creative in mind.

Voodoo: I'm sorry to interrupt but, voodoo? I use skulls and curses 😅

MagnetFreak: okay I may use my magnets. A lot. But I'm not obsessed with them.

SeerBoy: That's your opinion...

Lucky_clover: I apologize for the names! First thing in the morning I'll change them to your normal names. I promise!

Emilydryer: how come I'm the only one with a normal name?

RUGbee: probably because your name and career are a bit boring

BottomNaib: okay but why does my name have bottom in it? I could easily top anyone here

KevinzLasso: Why don't you rephrase that before I go over to your room and show you how you can't.

CagedScent: Kevin that's pretty gay for someone like you

KevinzLasso: I meant as in the no homo kind. Plus you know what happens if I decode with a guy, I get the urge to lay back and relax, like the old times when I talked with them.

WhineaAndBooze: Kevin's traits literally scream out no Homo. So its impossible for him to be gay

Lucky_clover: yeah. I agree. Also how does Helena have a phone? Isn't she blind and can't use it?

LetThereBeLight: actually I can use the voice typing. So all I have to do is talk. And how I read them is how I have an application that reads them for me.

Coffins_And_Death: lucky isn't Helena's name a bit....offensive in a way? Because she can't see light.

Lucky_clover: okay I'm sorry I was bored. Give me a break please ;-;

EmmaWoodpecker: Yeah, let's just stay with the names we have. Mine is quite funny to be honest.

BottomNaib: I'm still complaining. I'm not a bottom.

CagedScent: oh so you're gay

BottomNaib: Ace and gay are not the same thing! I'm an ace Bisexual.

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