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Poseidon, demi_maid, DollMaster, and PapaBurke are now online

DollMaster: Who gave burke a phone

PapaBurke: I built one myself. You kids don't even give your elders any technology these days

Acobatic is now online

Acobatic: why the heckity heck are you all typing? It's 5am!

Demi_Maid: I'm sorry but like, snake titties came mind and I can't sleep while laughing

DollMaster: yeah. I literally hear her from my room.

Poseidon: how the rest aren't awake is a mystery

PapaBurke: you kids don't talk about anything interesting. I'm going

PapaBurke is now offline

Acobatic: can I tell you all something?

Poseidon: yeah sure Mike

Acobatic: I miss hullabaloo. It's... Sad how I'm one of the survivors while the rest died.

Demi_maid: isn't Margaretha one of them?

Acobatic: her names Natalie... But I guess. But I suspect her.

Acobatic deleted a massage

Acobatic: just in case....

Demi_maid: really? I thought it was smiley who did it

Dollmaster: honestly, same here. He seems like the type to enjoy burning things down

Exploradora is now online

Exploradora: I found out something.

Poseidon: well tell us

Exploradora: apparently naib and jack are still not getting up after the yidrah incident

DollMaster: I know a hunter hits hard when they have detention, but I was never hit by one. I sacrifice my robot and I feel bad

Poseidon: well, it's not that painful. Just a imagine being terror shocked

Fred is now online

Fred: terror shocked? Wazzat?

DollMaster: well if it isn't the decoder who became a container. Glad to see you're still alive .-.

Fred: not my fault the gods gave me the gift of not being terror shocked

Poseidon: and you ask why people dislike you

Demi_Maid: honestly, I think yidrah would mop the floor with him

Poseidon: doubt it. Sure she has followers, but she has to concentrate on one only

DollMaster: nope. She controlled two of them at the same time before. One kept going forward while the other was attacking

Poseidon: hmm.... I think she can put some consciousness into one follower. Not for them to attack, but move

DollMaster: So you're telling me I WAS CHASED BY A NON ATTACKING FOLLOWER???

Exploradora: why do I feel like tracy becomes smarter every day learning things we already knew

DollMaster: I panic okay?!? It's hard to think when people are injured or you're being chased the whole match

Poseidon: maybe, you know. Stop panicking

DollMaster: um, it's not that easy when you spent your whole life inside!

Acobatic: right uh... I'm gonna go

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