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MercNaib: well that was a disaster

DaddyRipper: i- what? I thought it was amazing!


DaddyRipper: was not! I was just taking of your clothes so you felt comfortable.


DaddyRipper: curiosity. We all have it

MotherGeisha: so on a scale of 1-10, how was your experience?

MercNaib: 2

DaddyRipper: 10

BloodyMirror: sorry to hear that happened.

DaddyRipper: but it went well!

BloodyMirror: and that's why I'm sorry for naib.

MotherGeisha: would anyone else like to tell their experience?

PhotoGenic: ours went well! After a bit, we both took a few pictures together and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. It was the best thing that's happened to me so far ;w;

CoffinMan: joseph..... Don't tell everyone every detail...

Photogenic: you mean like how you wanted upsies because I'm taller than you?

DaddyRipper: at least you're taller than non hunters

CoffinMan: staaaahp

PhotoGenic: he might be cruel, but he has his sweet moments. Also jack this sword I'm taking out of my closet will be in your throat, got it?

DaddyRipper: the only thing in my mouth is going to be Naibs a$$

MercNaib: that's it. I'm going to make a restraining order.

Wonderer: sooo... Me and Jose sort of enjoyed it?

BrokenWatch: we did? I thought it was horrible

MotherGeisha: so which one is it?

Queen-Leech: jose, let go of your watch and put it somewhere

BrokenWatch: and why exactly should I?

Queen-Leech:.... Hoe if you don't do it I'll do it for you

BrokenWatch: okay damn! Fine.

Wonderer: so.... How was our date?

BrokenWatch: hmmm... Honestly quite liked it. Don't know what we're going to be though.

MotherGeisha:... What was that?

Wanderer: the watch basically switches his personality. It's a side effect

Queen-Leech: interesting to say the least. But I guess SOMEONE forgot to keep poseidon's watch somewhere safe

OceanGod: I pretend I do not see

SeerGuy:.... Babe you should keep your eyes on things that unique

OceanGod: I PRETEND I DO NOT SEE okay? ➖👄➖

MotherGeisha: so... Guessing the Kurt and Jose date went fine? Would you two be down to continue the relationship?

BrokenWatch: if I'm being honest, I still need time. I need to remember if I had a lover before, and I need to know exactly where they are.

Wanderer: I haven't explored most of the world. So I have to say no, or else that would be a lot of long distance.

MotherGeisha: okay... Got it. Vera and Martha?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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